jonathan montague has already gone through results with chinese researchers when colleagues in the u.s. are just pouring their 1st coffee. but what can such a small team achieve. yeah definitely like the advantage of a small team is that interpersonal communication is easier and we can have everyone in the same room and interactions. globally scattered and yet still all in one room this flexibility is a boon to medical researchers around the globe. the various approaches are diverse and from a sick network laboratories free research and the crowd funding for finance but they're still not universal panacea. it can be very fashionable when you talk about the old computer stuff sequencing the drug discovery stuff is a whole lot more. but they are helping to create new spaces for research outside the precisely demarcated territories of pharmaceutical giants. it clearly said solve. progress and of scientific activities not only in one laboratory but many liberties in the world. and the masses are crowds wise enough to rally around the right ideas to finance them. i think it's both pros and