the foot impressions leading away from the car tied jonathan nyce to the scene. ecutors think he walked the one mile back to their home. later, jonathan cleaned the blood from the garage, but tiny amounts of blood spatter remained. he also removed the soles he glued to the bottom of his loafers, cut them up and tried to hide pieces around the house. police arrested dr. nyce and charged him with his wife's murder. >> he just started to sob uncontrollably and admitted to causing the injuries to michelle. >> jonathan claimed that michelle attacked him first with a knife. but investigators found no evidence of a knife like the one he described. >> you had told me she was holding something. i need you to describe this action and what she was holding to the best you can. >> a stiletto. it was just, you know, a straight stab right at my -- right at my neck. and she would -- if i hadn't moved she would have gotten me all the way through. >> he said he opened the door to assist her out of car and that in this dark garage she lunges at him with this stiletto. he says as she