for this we welcome our environmental healing branch jonathan piakis. welcome. good afternoon, commissioners. senior industrial hygienist with environmental healing branch the department that 10 years now and the majority of the time was involved with health code article 38 we are here to discuss today. a couple of quick notes on this before we get started. the rules and regulations for health code article 38 don't require a formal vote. are being share said as important information to demonstrate the many ways that dph is protecting vulnerable populations. one are thing to note on the time line, these rules and regulations were draft in the january. of 2020. and slated be presented at the health commission after that time nose plans were deried by the pandemic. the rules were put on hold until this year. i can say we are now excited finally be here and presenting this today we have been waiting a long time. happy to be here. next slide. to go over the orientation of where we fall in the organizational structure of dph. environmental health branch under the heal