i am jonathan ruers. i'm last in a line of presenters. i am manager of the capital financial planning and long time at mta and the issues i deal with are the issues that you brought up today. we have good plans and strategies like this and how do we implement them and turn them into built projects? i will talk about the tool that the mta use for that. it's a new one, our five year capital improvement program and talk how they're irnlt greatd and we talk about integration between the departments and how does it work? how do all of the plans and how do they integrate actually getting these things built? and the last thing we do have a gap and there is cost identified in the strategy and how do we close that gap and what are strategies to consider in doing that? quickly the mta's capital improvement program five year plan is a new thing and we start in 2011 and provide a transparent view to the community and we have so many dollars of resources available and what with we do so people would understand that. it's made up 16 contained program a