gotten a few comments on facebook and twitter and on our you tube channel the first comment is from jonathan shaw he asked me on twitter to explain fractional reserve banking so fractional reserve banking is. and summary is when you put your money into a bank account the bank loans a portion of that out so instead when you see your balance sheet your statement from your bank your the full amount you have in there is not actually sitting in the bank the bank takes part of that and they loan it so this is called fractional reserve because they actually only hold a fraction of their reserves and banks are only required to hold around ten percent depending on the structure and the type of bank it is but the reason why this could pose any type of issue is if everybody went to the bank at the same time and tried to withdraw their reserves this is what's called a run on the bank and we have federal deposit insurance to cover this. so it shouldn't be an issue but there's a lot that goes around with this and it will take some time to explain it more in detail but essentially fractional reserve banking and