during his six years as one of the jail's senior investigators, jonathan spinelli has amassed a significant collection of inmate-made weapons. >> this piece of evidence is a wall plate and this is a piece of metal but this can be filed down to a very sharp point. an inmate could use this as a cutting instrument where they could use it as a knife or some sort of sharp instrument to cut them in the throat, the face. these are metal rods filed down, most likely this looks like it was part maybe of a chair or the heating vents. they have these slats on the heating vents they can rip them off of. that's pretty common. you can carry this and no one would know it's in your possession. you can walk out of your cell with it and stab somebody with it, stab an officer with it. >> the ingenuity behind some weapons is almost beyond belief. >> this is a paint ball. it's very hard, probably about very similar to a small rock. and what inmates do with this is they chip the paint off the walls and they stick it in a container and they heat the water and they soften the paint too with it and makes it very pl