here's jonathan vigliati. >> reporter: there was no press juosted on l doo wave. agome to our village, wrote prime minister and new mom. she is only the second world leader in modern history to give birth while in office. the first was pakistan's buto. she was driven in her car to a public hospital and delivered her child alongside everyone else. the end to a pregnancy that was extraordinary just for how ordinary it was. a point underscored in january when she and her partner made the announcement to media camped on their doorstep. >> i am not the first woman to multi task. i'm not the first woman to work and have a baby. >> reporter: at the time people questioned whether the 37-year-old leader could hold down two demanding jobs. some calling it super human. >> the one thing i'm really keen to reemphasize is that i am no super woman. and nor should any woman be expected to be a super woman. we achieve what we achieve through grit, determinaon and help. >> reporter: her partner will be a stay at home dad when she returns from maternity leave in six weeks. while she