people was new york times best selling author roxanne gay who received numerous e-mails from jonathan weisman one which stated i believe you owe me an enormous apology and if you would hear me out i think you would agree also this week c.n.n. anchor and definitely not a godfather character chris cuomo was caught on film threatening to throw a man down a set of stairs because he jokingly called him fredo after the godfather character this is an aberration that was one can see tweets over the years from cuomo to random practically anonymous twitter users like this one in which he wrote maybe you were hit with a rock that made you confuse facts. has the e-mail journalists replace the walter cronkite's of the world who held back 30 years in rage in order to be a sense of strength for readers and viewers in other news weight watchers now known as w w released crowborough a weight loss app for children that's right now your young son or daughter can get a jump start on their body dysmorphic disorder for as low as $12.00 a week are we over protecting the adults while forcing kids to grow up too fast