. ♪ jonathan: my name is jonathan weiss. oma, and we're in our dumbo, brooklyn showroom surrounded by all of our products. ♪ jonathan: we're really an outlier in the high-end audio world. we make everything from the signal source in terms of analog. that's record players, which we make out of solid slate. we make our own line of tube amplifiers. and we're the only company in the world that makes conical horn moded loudspeakers for high-end home use. we make everything so that we have total control over the sound. one of the first phases to our products is coring the slate. and this is a very special slate because it's actually very soft, which, from an acoustic standpoint, is really desirable. it dissipates vibrations and resonances extremely well, much better than harder slate. so, when they are quarrying the slate, then they'll literally use hand tools to cleave off sheets, which break off and then are placed on a truck or taken with a gondola into the main fabrication part of the quarry, where a huge diamond saw with wate