wright, the following information is not only directed to the board of supervisors but also to the city deputy attorney's office, attention, jonathannting out the multimillion-dollar programs that are provided for multibillion-dollar corporations such as twitter. okay? and this money that has been allowed and big tax breaks for these big corporations which ends up displacing people who are residents in the city and county of san francisco is a violational of the constitutional law pertaining to the 14th amendment and due process and equal protection under the law on the grounds that you are giving big multidollar tax breaks for a certain high end back of the people whereas the people who are in the low income brackets are not receiving this type of benefit, and treatment. so, therefore, i recommend that you conduct with the city attorney to coordinate what i am talking about because, this violation of constitutional rights and due process is further compounded by this ellis act, where numerous, people are being wrongfully evicted or evicted because of this ellis act and as a result, put out on the street. and now that act, is furth