holden, jonawhen than's character comes into my and, is his youth intelligence revitalize the innocenceake me remember what it was that i left. -- l oved. charlie: what is it that you have other venues and enthusiasm? [laughter] idea?a new what has made you different? jonathan: one of the things that is interesting about the show is when you meet holden in the first episode, he is a little lost. the very first scene in the show he is in a hostage negotiation situation and a guy shoots himself in the face and he goes to the fbi and he says i did everything by the book and somebody died and i am really confused and perhaps we are going about this in the wrong way. i think it is symbolic. bader was running the happens all the early 70's and there was a sort of black and white vision of what crime was. go get the bad guys and we succeeded. the error of the 70's was coming into the fbi to little bit and holding meet this girl who is meetsg -- and holden this girl who is getting her phd and studying sociology and he gets his mind blown. he gets a sense of meaning on how to work in the fbi. he