. >> when i first came to this prison in 1997, i moved in with a man named jonesy.gether for nine years and never had any arguments, which is rare in prison. we were best friends. >> brook admitted details to the crime to jonesy that he hasn't told the group and jonesy took those secrets to the grave. >> his heart started giving him problems a year ago last march. right here in this bed, it was about 2:00 in the morning, and he just fell back without a word, and i did everything i knew to try to resuscitate him. he just slipped away right here in my arms. we have no control over where we live or how long we live there. so it's not safe to become emotionally attached to anybody. when i lost him, i lost a lot. >> telling his cellmate the truth about his crime was risky, but tomorrow, he'll have to put it all on the line and tell his story to the group. >> during today's session, ronald brook will finally have to talk about the night he murdered susan worthen. >> this is the first time he is telling the story in such detail and yet, the emotional impact of what they di