senator joni earst says she plans to look into what happened between curtis and the v-a. senator ernst is also waiting for answers about the death of brandon ketchum. the marine served two tours in iraq and one in afghanistan. hfa help at the v-a in iowa city but they claim he was turned away. he took his own life in july. senator joni ernst sent a letter to the v-a one week later demanding an investigation. she's still waiting for a response. the state fire marshal is looking into a fire that destroyed a home -- the day the sale was being finalzied. bryan butcher and his wife were at a meeting --closing on the sale of their home in cedar falls. when they came back -- it was burning. else. "there's just been a lot of good you know, i've spent the last 17 years it just rips you, it rips you apart." the family was planning on moving into their new home later this month-- but now will move with no belongings. as for the new owners - bryan says he doesn't know what will happen, but insurance is involved. today in court -- the two girls accused in the slender man stabbing case