the governor of the state. >> whitaker: the mcdonnells actively promoted anatabloc and invited jonnie williamsents at the governor's mansion, with health care leaders and researchers who could help him. >> mcdonnell: there was never a quid pro quo, or any conspiracy, or any agreement to help mr. williams. and-- ultimately the supreme court of the united states said that-- government advanced essentially a dangerous legal-- legal theory that had serious constitutional problems. >> whitaker: what do you mean, dangerous? why dangerous? >> mcdonnell: because it criminalizes routine political conduct, things that happen in this country every day. >> whitaker: the justices did unanimously reverse his conviction. they faulted federal prosecutors for overreaching with a definition of corruption that was too broad, and ruled that merely "setting up a meeting" or "hosting an event" for jonnie williams did not constitute a crime. but, they condemned mcdonnell's conduct on ethical grounds. in his opinion, chief justice john roberts wrote, the "tawdry tales of ferraris, rolexes, and ball gowns" did not "ty