jonny rhes: as lg as we e so food as means oour survivalas a mea of our ingenuit a meansf our joury, i thi that th's at soul od is. sl food is a gue of t black jrney rough al and thelack journey vast, a it's ve oad. marlon hl: youave know at the ste of tes has a long hisry and tdition o pele of afcan desct and businessand i beeve that the vestigesf slaver isper present enepreneur anthat whier says, "youill no lger be used f busines you wilbe used ibusiness [szling] [kettle istling] [indtinct chter] ris willms is thsyney of what it ans to ba gladiar entrepneur. there's finesse how chr moves in room, y there i is barbac way inhich he apprches howe serv the communitthrough s gift o maki tables,aking mes. willia: africaamerican fowa, it's o of thos things that'kind of porizingand the jority o time, 's used t of conxt. you thk about e staple gredientof--oxtas used t cost nhing. nothey're,ike, $9.0a pound. you thinkbout gs' feetlike, the ingrednts righthere le you know t genesisf this cookin right? the ingrient detmines thmethod of cking. u havehese har dee protei, and soand how are we gti