the ucla breast center, a unit of the jonsson cancer center, specializes in treating and counseling women at high risk for breast cancer. experts from a variety of fields work with patients. a nurse practitioner takes the patient's history... a nutritionist with a special interest in breast cancer talks about the role good nutrition plays in combatting the disease. an exercise specialist introduces the idea of regular exercise and strength training. patients also learn the proper way to perform a self-breast exam. if you felt down in here, you'd feel this just like a marble, only it's usually jagged. and it's very, very hard. the ones that move around usually are benign. the ones that are fixed in the skin are usually malignant. the oone of the team members usually is a psychologist who will then go in and actually do a pretty detailed psychological consultation, talking about her individual perception of her risk, her relationship to the members of her family who may have had breast cancer, how she dealt with that, particularly if that member of the family had died from the disease. the