but here, everyone calls simply him "jontte."p in the village of lapinkylÄ 15 years ago. >> ♪ reporter: jontte has just one regular employee -- anna -- who runs the store until noon. a couple of students help out later in the day. jontte's customers are mainly pensioners from the village and the occasional passerby. the discount grocery chains are making it increasingly tough for him to compete. >> ♪ reporter: so when more and more refugees began coming to his store late last year, many of his regular customers were concerned and jontte was, too. >> they tried to steal and so on a little, so that made in this small shop people who were working here were a little bit afraid. and i was thinking, is this the beginning of something that will make it even more difficult? reporter: jontte went to a town-hall meeting, planning to complain. but there, the family man heard hohow the refugees had been persecuted and forced to flee. >> i talked to anna and said i think we'll do as we usually do. we'll serve people, and we'll be nice to them