. >> jorda and i was like this is not fair, obama should be able to say what he wants but because ofthe spectrum we live in in the united states he couldn't, so we did it for him. >> i invited luther, my angry translator to join me here tonight. >> we knew this was something he would enjoy. >> we count on the press to shed light -- >> and we can count on fox news to terrify old white people with the politics. >> the best way to describe the feeling is satisfaction. >> that's why we running for a third term. >> no we're not. >> we're no? >> no. >> who the hell said that? >> donald trump is here tonight -- >> i had just started at the white house, and i got the final draft. it had all this stuff about donald trump, i just remember thinking like, woa this is going to be a lot different than the draft i saw before that. >> just recently in an episode of apprentice, you mr. trump >> you do find the correspondents dinner where the president goes up to that line and don't cross it. and there's who do cross it. >> trump is running as a republican, which is surprising because i thought he was