yet, the great jordan klepper, contributor for "the daily show" joins me now. an all use a good laugh after this past week but, my goodness, i'm not sure if i should be laughing or crying. >> that tends to be the compliment i get most. it would be funny if i wasn't horrified. you're welcome. i don't know. it's been a strange couple of years. i think we are both laughing, crying at the same time. enjoy, everybody. it's america. you're welcome. >> what were you hearing by and large the most when you talked to folks about this, just blatant denialism, just denying this took place? i suppose there was a range of conspiracy theories to explain what had occurred, like the nancy pelosi conspiracy theory. what did you hear? >> we went out to see people weren't paying attention at all for the hearings and people were not but they were getting little bits of information here and there and we would bring up some of the revelations in the hearing. it ran the gamut. it was nancy pelosi's fault. it didn't happen. obama was pulling the strings. things have been edited. i saw t