a few years ago, we said something nice about jordan peterson.mean that winston marshall is a right winger, he probably isn't. but it does suggest he might be a freethinker, which has been noted as a massive threat to the fraud industrial complex. finally, the other day winston marshall went too far. he praised the new book about anti-folk, he describes in teeth that is what it does, criminal mob. but you co that right now, bigots don't like because it suggested it may be wrong. but they decided to destroy him and today they succeeded. issued the statement over twitter "over the past few days i have come to better understand the pain i caused by the book i endorsed. obviously he wrote this and on point, but he still wrote it. "i have offended not only a lot of people i don't know, but also those closest to me including my bandmate. and for that, i am truly sorry. as a result of my actions, liking a book, i am taking time away from the band to examine my blind spot." is the winston marshall is leaving his job. another victory for the fascists on t