we want to bring in elise jordan, msnbc analyst, former adviser to the rand paul campaign. and morris reed strategist and partner at mercury. great to see you both. elise, let's talk about the optics of this. how unusual is this real hi for the gop, the folks that are in power with the white house, to have this much protest and outrage? >> it's cheerily a very contentious time. we've never seen protests like this at the beginning of a presidency, you know, from the women's march and, you know, the largest protest that has ever occurred in america, to consistent, you know, you look at the immigration ban being implemented suddenly op a friday afternoon and across the nation you have crowds at airports being galvanized to take action. so it is quite a moment in american history for protests and it's going to be interesting how democrats actually channel this anti-trump enthusiasm. and if they're going to be able to translate it to success at the voting booths in 2018. >> right. is it real traction we're looking at here, the precursor of? some would suggest the protests, these are democrats,