here we are with jorge ramirez and we continue black and white. ge immediately after the start of the miley government, we saw demonstrations which were covered very well by the chilean press and it was definitely talked about in all spanish speaking countries and all countries of the world. what are these demonstrations? what sections of society do they represent? and finally, what is the content of the demonstrations? and do you refer to this as a sp? o es algo muy espontáneo, bueno hay un poco de cada componente, este por un lado eh. political spectrum were present in this demonstration. on the other hand, there are calls from the leftist groups, various leftist groups, the call at the same time as the anniversary of that memorable event in the history of argentina, december 20, 2001. on this date, huge crowds of argentinies across the country took to the streets and defied the martial law and overthrew a new liberal government led by fernando de la rua. during this. anniversary a call was announced which coincided with the 10th day of the start