Jan 18, 2011
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"noticiero telemundo" con josé díaz balart.>>josé: muy buenas tardes estamos con la noticia que llega al corazón y muestra lo bueno del ser humano, recuerdan a la pequeña cristina de 9 años muerta en arizona resulta que sus ojos le dieron vida a los de otros 2 niños gracias a la donación de sus córneas aún no se sabe si el resto de los órganos de la pequeña salvará más vidas cristina dlondoño tiee más. de la masacre de tucson y el pistolero . y el esposo de giffords aseguró que ella le sonrió y le acarició la espalda desde la cama. no lejos de allí 800 personas le dieron adiós a las últimas víctimas mortales, un empleado de la oficina de la congresista, y otro hombre de 76 se hizo matar cubriendo con su cuerpo el de su esposa sobreviviendo a la masacre. en tanto uno de los sobrevivientes de la matanza james a quien vemos estas imágenes visitando la casa del supuesto pistolero está bajo evaluación psiquiátrica lo detuvieron por conducta inapropiada luego de amenazar de muerte a un miembro del grupo conservador tea party. sin dud
"noticiero telemundo" con josé díaz balart.>>josé: muy buenas tardes estamos con la noticia que llega al corazón y muestra lo bueno del ser humano, recuerdan a la pequeña cristina de 9 años muerta en arizona resulta que sus ojos le dieron vida a los de otros 2 niños gracias a la donación de sus córneas aún no se sabe si el resto de los órganos de la pequeña salvará más vidas cristina dlondoño tiee más. de la masacre de tucson y el pistolero . y el esposo de...
Jan 13, 2011
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ver lo que nos ♪ música ) >>>josé: muy buenas tardes reportando desde tucson arizo les luda josé díazt justo en las aeras enl sitio donde o sendos abo hablar el presidente obama cebrando la vida de las 6 psonas que murieronst sábadpasado aquí en suk tocson arizona, y parteea ticia que qujusto antes d venir al recinto donde habló estuvo en el hospital en la habitación en el crto de hospital dde está la congresista giffords y dice el esidente que por pmera vez desde el sába cuando fue herida en la caba por una bala abrió sus ojos. eh aquí estas palabras del esidente. > luo dealir de su habición algunas de sus colegas del congreso estaban allí gaby abrió sus ojos por primera vez, gaby abrió sus ojos por primera vez. (aplsos) >>> gaby abrió sus ojo. (aplsos). >>> gaby abrió sus ojos, para e youdiera derle que ella be que eamos aquí, ella sabe que la amamos y estaremos au lado en lo que sin duda será un trayecto difícil. >>osé: se une a est trsmisión mi colega y igo, rogelio mora tagle, vimos que la primera dama mhel obama comenzó a llorar en el momento que todo ese publico, 13 mil persona
ver lo que nos ♪ música ) >>>josé: muy buenas tardes reportando desde tucson arizo les luda josé díazt justo en las aeras enl sitio donde o sendos abo hablar el presidente obama cebrando la vida de las 6 psonas que murieronst sábadpasado aquí en suk tocson arizona, y parteea ticia que qujusto antes d venir al recinto donde habló estuvo en el hospital en la habitación en el crto de hospital dde está la congresista giffords y dice el esidente que por pmera vez desde el sába...
Jan 12, 2011
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josé >>>josé: graci, el presidente mismo llamó a algunos de los qu sacrificaron su vida paraalvar a lasa llamada telefónica, el presidentee esdos unidos, se dirigi a 2 peonas que participaron e estos hechos heroicos de tratar deetener al pistoler antes que cobrara más víctimas y el psidee barack obama, visara el día de mañana la ciudad tucson yamos a cubrir su visita a esta ciudad. josé. >>> ancisco cuevas en las afueras del hospital,gracias y como les anticipábamos. so alentadoras las informaciones que salen del hospitalonde se cupera la congsista gabrielle y planea una igles bautia la torancia dije, de este país con la homexualidad. >>> sin duda, son horas fíciles que viven los familiares. peroambién fueron terribles los montos queivieron los testigos. nos dijo por qué aún no puede dormir. estaba en el estacionamien saliendo de comprar cigarrillos. vitamos la escena co él he pocas has. y re constimos el crimen paso a paso. >> venía corriendo por aquí. y se abrió la puerta y a taba. pistolero, pistolero lo seguí y corrí hacia allá. . >>> vine por aqu y lo vi ahí. con la pistola me asuó
josé >>>josé: graci, el presidente mismo llamó a algunos de los qu sacrificaron su vida paraalvar a lasa llamada telefónica, el presidentee esdos unidos, se dirigi a 2 peonas que participaron e estos hechos heroicos de tratar deetener al pistoler antes que cobrara más víctimas y el psidee barack obama, visara el día de mañana la ciudad tucson yamos a cubrir su visita a esta ciudad. josé. >>> ancisco cuevas en las afueras del hospital,gracias y como les anticipábamos....
Jan 18, 2011
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con el vocero policial jose garcia ....y nos va a explicar en detalle de que van a estar hablando hoy ... ---- buenas tardes a ti y a jose, blanca .... ===take live blanca == ====blanca garza desde el departamento central de la policia de san jose hablando con el vocero acerca de la nueva politica de no llevarse automaticame nte los carros sin licencia ===== cu - calls tease ----gracias blanca .... ----- le recuerdo: usted podra hacer preguntas al vocero policial jose garcia durante el programa, en el tercer segmento de hoy .... sobre este tema. ---- solamente recibiremos llamadas telefonicas .... como siempre gratis. ---1-866-229-4848 .... ---le repito el numero: ---1- 866-229-4848 .... ----vaya llamando desde ya !!!! cu - bump out policial jose garcia durante el programa, en el tercer segmento de hoy .... sobre este tema. ---- solamente recibiremos llamadas telefonicas .... como siempre gratis. ---1-866-229-4848 .... ---le repito el numero: ---1- 866-229-4848 .... ----vaya ---1-866-229-4848 .... ---le repito el numero: --
con el vocero policial jose garcia ....y nos va a explicar en detalle de que van a estar hablando hoy ... ---- buenas tardes a ti y a jose, blanca .... ===take live blanca == ====blanca garza desde el departamento central de la policia de san jose hablando con el vocero acerca de la nueva politica de no llevarse automaticame nte los carros sin licencia ===== cu - calls tease ----gracias blanca .... ----- le recuerdo: usted podra hacer preguntas al vocero policial jose garcia durante el...
Jan 11, 2011
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>>>josé: algunos analistas atribuyen la tramoing día.el giffords. rogelio mora-tagle tiene ese analiza. >>>rogelio: las palabras del alguacil del condado de pima encendieron el debate porque dijo que arizona es la meca de la intolerancia y los prejuicios. la coalición hispana de derechos humanos asegura que el tiroteo del sábado. es consecuencia del ambiente hostil que predomina en el estado. >>> no pe extraña que pasó en arizona, porque es algo que se venía venir hace mucho tiempo >>>rogelio: en el estado se había experimentado una gran división a partir de la aprobación sb 1070 considerada anti inmigrante no se sabe porque jared lee loughner disparó contra la congresista y otras personas. pero el sheriff con inestabilidad mental, estas personas pueden reaccionar negativamente. una retórica que algunos dicen, ha participado hasta el presidente obama. al señalar metafóricamente en la campaña del 2008, que si sus rivales políticos llevaban cuchillos a la pelea, sus seguidores llevarían una pistola. más tarde el presidente seria objetivo d
>>>josé: algunos analistas atribuyen la tramoing día.el giffords. rogelio mora-tagle tiene ese analiza. >>>rogelio: las palabras del alguacil del condado de pima encendieron el debate porque dijo que arizona es la meca de la intolerancia y los prejuicios. la coalición hispana de derechos humanos asegura que el tiroteo del sábado. es consecuencia del ambiente hostil que predomina en el estado. >>> no pe extraña que pasó en arizona, porque es algo que se venía...
Jan 21, 2011
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josé regreso contigo.s gracias josé estoy con el hermano es el asesor para asuntos hispanos de la diocesis católica, usted viaja alrededor demasiado estl hablar con las familias hispanas ellos tienen miedo >>> sentían miedo antes de todo stoper esto es algo nuevo otro desafío, otro miedo, así porque han sufrido de stoper ellos tienen miedo de salir de su casa porque cuando salen de la casa van a regresar y los niños la mujer o la esposa tiene mucho miedo con todo esto >>>vanessa: tienen miedo de ir la iglesia siquiera o al supermercado >>> tenemos ejemplos en algunos lugares que la policía la migra estaba afuera, de la iglesia así para arrestar así muchos no van a la iglesia tampoco por medio. >>>vanessa: bueno usted también me comentaba que básicamente estos legisladores de pronto no se sienten impactados por estas leyes en la comunidad. >>> la cosa ni opinión que los legisladores siempre sfan buscando los votos y los in ni graen inmigrantes no fue dpueden vota van a prestar atención y también algunos de
josé regreso contigo.s gracias josé estoy con el hermano es el asesor para asuntos hispanos de la diocesis católica, usted viaja alrededor demasiado estl hablar con las familias hispanas ellos tienen miedo >>> sentían miedo antes de todo stoper esto es algo nuevo otro desafío, otro miedo, así porque han sufrido de stoper ellos tienen miedo de salir de su casa porque cuando salen de la casa van a regresar y los niños la mujer o la esposa tiene mucho miedo con todo esto...
Jan 14, 2011
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¿iero mostrarte josé?iño que toda la gente en tucn trae aste hospital tenemos tendido en tercer piso de este hoital, don se recupera milaosamente como dicen muchas rsonas. aq la gente ha venido atraer ve velaras flores. las personas siguen viniendo en todo el dí una de las cos que continúamos vien con mucha frecuenc, es ta imagen, jé. la imagen de la virgen de guadupe, que las vernos traen. ando y rezando por la pronta recuperación de la ngresista. y conmovidas y nosotros, por supuestoque ctinuaremos aq. informándoles sobre esta recuperación de la congresista, josé. >>>josé: franciscouevas en e hospital, donde también estoy yo mientras tanto la recuperación de l congresia. sorprende cada hora médicos familiares y amos. anoche el propi presidente obama, dio una noticia excente sobre su condición clínica. dirigía un mensaje de esperanza y reconciliación a todo epaís. co nos cuenta lori montenegro. >>> el per de las buenas amigas es fuerte y la congresista demócrata, tne la mejor prue. y que ella, estaba cuan
¿iero mostrarte josé?iño que toda la gente en tucn trae aste hospital tenemos tendido en tercer piso de este hoital, don se recupera milaosamente como dicen muchas rsonas. aq la gente ha venido atraer ve velaras flores. las personas siguen viniendo en todo el dí una de las cos que continúamos vien con mucha frecuenc, es ta imagen, jé. la imagen de la virgen de guadupe, que las vernos traen. ando y rezando por la pronta recuperación de la ngresista. y conmovidas y nosotros, por...
Jan 23, 2011
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>>gracias, josÉ.te la comunidad hispana aquÍ en mississippi estÁn afrontando un futuro incierto. muchas personas con las que hemos conversado nos han dicho que si el proyecto de ley sb 2179 es aprobado, ellos se irÍan del estado porque no quieren vivir bajo el miedo. nosotros llegamos hasta aquÍ, hasta el capitolio estatal en busca de respuestas, y logramos hablar con el promotor, escritor y principal promotor de esta ley que muchos estÁn llamando "antiimigrante". >>this law is racist... vanessa: llegamos hasta jackson, en el corazÓn de mississippi, donde el senado estatal aprobÓ en medio de protestas el proyecto de ley sb 2179. basado en la controversial ley de arizona sb 1070, pero para muchos aÚn mÁs fuerte. fuimos en busca del arquitecto y creador de la ordenanza, el senador republicano joey fillingane... >>esta ley es muy parecida a la ley de arizona, que para muchos es racista, xenofÓbica y antiimigrante. ¿es este el caso con la ley de mississippi? >>no, aquÍ la ley le permitiria a la policÍa ve
>>gracias, josÉ.te la comunidad hispana aquÍ en mississippi estÁn afrontando un futuro incierto. muchas personas con las que hemos conversado nos han dicho que si el proyecto de ley sb 2179 es aprobado, ellos se irÍan del estado porque no quieren vivir bajo el miedo. nosotros llegamos hasta aquÍ, hasta el capitolio estatal en busca de respuestas, y logramos hablar con el promotor, escritor y principal promotor de esta ley que muchos estÁn llamando "antiimigrante"....
Jan 25, 2011
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live in san jose, abc 7 news. >> 6:31.he search for four-year-old giuliani resumes this morning in a central valley canal. they found fresh tire tracks leading into the canal. they'll continue using sonar equipment to look for the kidnappers' silver toyota corolla. they found five cars in the canal but none is the one linked to giuliani's kidnapping. his mother plans to mark one week since her son's abduction. they hope to find giuliani and the suspect josÉ rodriguez missing since rodriguez took the child from his grandmother's arms last tuesday. >> san jose neighbors are coming together to see what they can do to curb gang violence. they held a meeting last night in the neighborhood where gang violence is a particularly prevalent problem. there have been seven homicides in san jose this month and police say three of them are definitely gang-related. during last night, officers again pleaded with community to come forward with information. many who took part in last night's summit say budget cuts may be partly to blame. >>
live in san jose, abc 7 news. >> 6:31.he search for four-year-old giuliani resumes this morning in a central valley canal. they found fresh tire tracks leading into the canal. they'll continue using sonar equipment to look for the kidnappers' silver toyota corolla. they found five cars in the canal but none is the one linked to giuliani's kidnapping. his mother plans to mark one week since her son's abduction. they hope to find giuliani and the suspect josÉ rodriguez missing since...
Jan 28, 2011
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chief of san jose. the official announcement is expected to come on tuesday. moore is a scholar, lawyer and 29-year veteran of the san jose police department. but despite those accolades the new chief is facing resistance from community groups throughout the city. "today in the bay's" bob redell is joining us live in san jose with a look at why some people are criticizing this pick. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you, scott. some advocacy groups argue that san jose police need to change the way it deals with minorities. and they argue that that can't happy sticking with an insider like acting police chief chris moore to run the department. that's why later today there will be groups representing asians, african-americans and latinos protesting over here where i'm at here asking the city council not to confirm moore has the city's police chief when the council meeting this upcoming tuesday. instead, they would like to see oakland's police chief anthony battz get the job. he would be the
chief of san jose. the official announcement is expected to come on tuesday. moore is a scholar, lawyer and 29-year veteran of the san jose police department. but despite those accolades the new chief is facing resistance from community groups throughout the city. "today in the bay's" bob redell is joining us live in san jose with a look at why some people are criticizing this pick. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you, scott. some advocacy groups argue that san...
Jan 28, 2011
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>>>josé díaz balart: gracias.georgia y dakota del sur. >>>periodista: la legislatura de georgia le declara la guerra a los inducomentados, la flamante sb 87 busca echarlos de ahí. >>> nunca debemos olvidar que debemos hacer cumplir las leyes, y culpa a los indocumentados por el desempleo. según algunos activistas provocará esta iniciativa lo contrario, la sb 87 es similar a la ley sb 1070 de arizona, y los policías podrían ser agentes de inmigración, y afirma que esta iniciativa tendrá el mismo desenlace, leyes en el que haya probar el estatus migratorio no sobreviran, en dakota del sur menos del 3% son hispanos, pero esta semana la legislatura de este estado presentó un proyecto que le podría cambiar la vida de todos, se le pudiera prohibir alquilar y trabajar, y penalizaría a los que los contraten. >>> el impacto económico sería de 190 millones de dólares, y la policía tendría que inventir 10 millones para entrenar a los oficiales. el año pasado una propuesta similar se aprobó en nebraska. esta batalla costó mil
>>>josé díaz balart: gracias.georgia y dakota del sur. >>>periodista: la legislatura de georgia le declara la guerra a los inducomentados, la flamante sb 87 busca echarlos de ahí. >>> nunca debemos olvidar que debemos hacer cumplir las leyes, y culpa a los indocumentados por el desempleo. según algunos activistas provocará esta iniciativa lo contrario, la sb 87 es similar a la ley sb 1070 de arizona, y los policías podrían ser agentes de inmigración, y afirma...
Jan 28, 2011
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san jose looks good. at 454, let's go to steve. >>> we do have fog today on the coast, which is a little twist. and san jose, i was just looking at the web camera from the outstanding department down there, and for the first time this week there is fog forming in san jose. it's scary for part of the north bay and also the east bay. watch out. you can see a weak little system. the dense fog coming back over from the delta is super thick, super thick. visibility is terrible. 40, palo alto. 49, san francisco. oakland is 47. believe it or not, now, seriously, hold on, it looks like rain sunday, which is a twist. because we haven't had any rain since the 13th of this month. the one behind that, the middle of your screen, that's going to spread clouds and the cooling trend over the weekend. we have dense fog with cooling. it will still be sunny and hazy and not as warm. sunday, looks like light rain. the atmosphere is not -- needs a little juicing up but it will get there. today, foggy. i mean today looks like
san jose looks good. at 454, let's go to steve. >>> we do have fog today on the coast, which is a little twist. and san jose, i was just looking at the web camera from the outstanding department down there, and for the first time this week there is fog forming in san jose. it's scary for part of the north bay and also the east bay. watch out. you can see a weak little system. the dense fog coming back over from the delta is super thick, super thick. visibility is terrible. 40, palo...
Jan 2, 2011
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josé d.b: perdÍ la voz en constituciÓn...ia de su Único hermano. todo porl tsunami. >>estÁbamos las dos familias... la familia de mi hermano y la mÍa. lamentablemente el Único que saliÓ con va, fui yo. eh... falleciÓ mi niÑa... josé d.b: [ronco] de 4 aÑos. >>de 4 aÑo.. mi seÑora,o ha aparecido. josé d.b: ¿y saben lo que estaba haciendo luis dÍas despuÉs del desastre? estaba prestando servicios mÉdicos a niÑos heridos en el terremoto. y estaba regalan sonrisas y esperanza. el dÍa que nos imos, lo llamamos, y le prometÍ que en mis oraciones siempre estarÍa su familia. y luis me dijo algo extraordinario: "josÉ, lo mÁs importante en la vida es poder servir al prÓjimo." y ese es el espÍritu con que los hombres y jeres de telemundo, ¡todos los dÍas hacen su trabajo! y me despido con una historia que muestra un rostro de la gente a la que respetamos y servimos. rogelio mora tagle estÁ con ellos. [canta un gallo] rogelio: suena el despertador del campo... y comienza una nueva joada de trabajo para decenas de inmigrantes en esta plant
josé d.b: perdÍ la voz en constituciÓn...ia de su Único hermano. todo porl tsunami. >>estÁbamos las dos familias... la familia de mi hermano y la mÍa. lamentablemente el Único que saliÓ con va, fui yo. eh... falleciÓ mi niÑa... josé d.b: [ronco] de 4 aÑos. >>de 4 aÑo.. mi seÑora,o ha aparecido. josé d.b: ¿y saben lo que estaba haciendo luis dÍas despuÉs del desastre? estaba prestando servicios mÉdicos a niÑos heridos en el terremoto. y estaba regalan sonrisas y...
Jan 28, 2011
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san jose will soon have a new police chief.manager has selected interim police chief chris moore for the position. that means anthony batts will remain police chief of oakland for now. the city council could give final approval to moore next week. >>> the board of the golden gate bridge district could decide today whether to phase out human toll collectors. the district's finance committee recommended the to move save more than $19 million over eight years. under the plan, all tolls would be collected electronically either through fastrak transponders or using cameras that snap photos of license plates. >>> a protest in egypt today maybe the largest one yet. tens of thousands of people are expected to take to the streets of cairo protesting against corruption and tyranny but police are absent from main streets and bridges. >>> federal and state investigators trying to figure out who stole welfare benefits from hundreds of california's neediest families. the "san francisco chronicle" reports that those thieves hacked into people
san jose will soon have a new police chief.manager has selected interim police chief chris moore for the position. that means anthony batts will remain police chief of oakland for now. the city council could give final approval to moore next week. >>> the board of the golden gate bridge district could decide today whether to phase out human toll collectors. the district's finance committee recommended the to move save more than $19 million over eight years. under the plan, all tolls...
Jan 26, 2011
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next time around a look at san jose. back to you guys. >> thank you. >>> in the headlines, today governor jerry brown will be meeting with mayors from several southern california cities who are urging him not to eliminate redevelopment agencies. the governor wants to redirect nearly $2 billion in redevelopment money towards schools, public safety and reducing the budget deficit. san jose's chuck reed is among the mayors meeting with brown today. >>> a board meeting today will focus on cuts and raisings at oakland schools -- raises at oakland schools. while schools are facing a 7% cut to next year's budgets, the school board also considering a 2% pay hike for teachers. the proposed pay increase would cost the district around $2 million. >>> and president obama traveling to wisconsin today to visit three factories and to push the economic message from last night's state of the union address. the president is encouraging investment in education, research and technology. >>> congresswoman gabrielle giffords is about to move
next time around a look at san jose. back to you guys. >> thank you. >>> in the headlines, today governor jerry brown will be meeting with mayors from several southern california cities who are urging him not to eliminate redevelopment agencies. the governor wants to redirect nearly $2 billion in redevelopment money towards schools, public safety and reducing the budget deficit. san jose's chuck reed is among the mayors meeting with brown today. >>> a board meeting today...
Jan 25, 2011
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she is the mother of jose rodriguez. >> jose would not kill his own child. his own baby that he raised. that's like his son. why you think he took him? because he thought he wasn't going to be able to see him. >> reporter: investigators are still focusing their search on this stretch of canal after a farm worker says he saw a man and boy in a silver toyota go into the canal. sheriff's deputies have pulled up five cars, but no toyota corolla. donna says investigators would not find her son and the boy in the canal. >> that baby's alive and my son's alive. >> he calls him daddy, you know. >> reporter: but admits jose has a criminal record. when he was 15, he served time for involuntary manslaughter after stabbing another teenager. she says her son visited her home in san jose every two weeks. she last talked to jose monday, the day before he allegedly abducted the boy and says she hasn't heard from him since, which is why she hopes he will hear this. >> i'm begging you to come home and bring juliani back. you're not a bad person, son, you just made a mistake.
she is the mother of jose rodriguez. >> jose would not kill his own child. his own baby that he raised. that's like his son. why you think he took him? because he thought he wasn't going to be able to see him. >> reporter: investigators are still focusing their search on this stretch of canal after a farm worker says he saw a man and boy in a silver toyota go into the canal. sheriff's deputies have pulled up five cars, but no toyota corolla. donna says investigators would not find...
Jan 18, 2011
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. >>> oakland's top cop to soon be san jose's top cop. what that means for both cities. >>> but first the bay area covered by fog and today's foggy scene is just the beginning. . >>> and here is a live look from san fransisco at the bay bridge and the embarcadero. you can see everything is covered in a foggy glow and you only need to look outside your own window to see a dense fog covering the bay area. jacqueline is here with an advisory that advisory is in effect right now through the morning commute. and you said visibility is going to be an issue. it is now and it will be in the morning. >> it definitely is right now. you take a look at our countervisibility, under a quarter of a mile if a number of spots. this will get worse through the night. fairfield, concord, oakland, you just saw that bridge shot of how bad the visibility is. it's going to continue and we have a dense fog advisory in effect for nearly the entire bay area and the central valley into tomorrow morning at 11:00. so definitely give your self extra time to get to work
. >>> oakland's top cop to soon be san jose's top cop. what that means for both cities. >>> but first the bay area covered by fog and today's foggy scene is just the beginning. . >>> and here is a live look from san fransisco at the bay bridge and the embarcadero. you can see everything is covered in a foggy glow and you only need to look outside your own window to see a dense fog covering the bay area. jacqueline is here with an advisory that advisory is in effect...
Jan 21, 2011
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no delays here out of downtown san jose. getting out of south san jose is also in its moves in easy ride out of the new developer. >> 5:52 a.m., these are pictures that just came in. this just on folding a few hours ago. south korean navy caring daughter raped to rescue the crew of a ship that was hijacked by pirates, this is the first pitcher the you see here. the commandos snatched up on the ship early this morning. they are next to the ship on the boat. then there was a gun battle with the pirates. just as they are about to storm the pirates on the back there. a pirates, fell overboard and died. they did capture five of the pirates. they found guns. all 21 members of the crew was rescued. the captain was shot in the stomach expected to survive. here's a close-up shot of where you can see there are about to board the ship. here they have them surrounded. they are surrounded one of the pirates. american warship was in the area for back up as well. 5:53 a.m., all look from our roof in san francisco as we are getting ready fo
no delays here out of downtown san jose. getting out of south san jose is also in its moves in easy ride out of the new developer. >> 5:52 a.m., these are pictures that just came in. this just on folding a few hours ago. south korean navy caring daughter raped to rescue the crew of a ship that was hijacked by pirates, this is the first pitcher the you see here. the commandos snatched up on the ship early this morning. they are next to the ship on the boat. then there was a gun battle with...
Jan 26, 2011
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fog of livermore about 10:00 and fog in the north bay made the rounds san jose. that will clear up about 10:00 a.m.. it will fog from our bay shore. temperatures tomorrow morning once again to lead especially inland valleys and north bay. 38 at the same thing fairfield, 36 and rose, 47 in oakland, 45 in san jose to start the day. a warm afternoon in store. 66 in san francisco, 63 in vallejo, a couple '70's and their seven will the loss gatos and 70 in morgan hill and 69 in san jose. your extended forecast fog over the next several mornings will keep warm through the rest the week but as we head into the weekend that's when the changes will roll through. a couple starts passing to the north but it looks like will likely to buy one on sunday. are changing the what they're making it cooler on saturday and sunday, also increased clout. stay with us will be back after the shore break. leeson huntington beach to try to figure out why teenagers died from drinking too much for a local. what it was first sold you might recall who for local reclaimed " both alcohol and caf
fog of livermore about 10:00 and fog in the north bay made the rounds san jose. that will clear up about 10:00 a.m.. it will fog from our bay shore. temperatures tomorrow morning once again to lead especially inland valleys and north bay. 38 at the same thing fairfield, 36 and rose, 47 in oakland, 45 in san jose to start the day. a warm afternoon in store. 66 in san francisco, 63 in vallejo, a couple '70's and their seven will the loss gatos and 70 in morgan hill and 69 in san jose. your...
Jan 22, 2011
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dp >>>josé: las autoridad es de méxico presentaron un mapa para quienes llegan aecha estados un peroar un centro comercial un policía les hizo frente y logró abatir a uno sin embargo este policía recibió un disparo y murió en el lugar se desató el terror debido a los disparos pero otro policía logró detener a otro criminal y luego de luchar con él le arrebató una pistola entonces el policía golpeó al asaltante en lugar como podemos ver quedó lleno de sangre. josé en otra historia te presento parte del viaje que los migrantes hacen en tren hacía estados unidos y lo hacen en medio de territorios hostiles para ellos esta es la historia. la fuerza para este viaje se lo da su familia pobre que quedó atrás. y la protección en el camino es su canto a dios que lo acompaña. darío tiene 16 años es de honduras. y espera llegar hasta los estados unidos sobre el techo del tren. >>> y que vine para superar a mi familia y para sacarla adelante. >>>raúl: aquí los migrantes de honduras, elsalvador, guatemala nicaragua a riesrriesgan la vid suben en el tren de movimiento a quienes llaman la bestia en
dp >>>josé: las autoridad es de méxico presentaron un mapa para quienes llegan aecha estados un peroar un centro comercial un policía les hizo frente y logró abatir a uno sin embargo este policía recibió un disparo y murió en el lugar se desató el terror debido a los disparos pero otro policía logró detener a otro criminal y luego de luchar con él le arrebató una pistola entonces el policía golpeó al asaltante en lugar como podemos ver quedó lleno de sangre. josé en...
Jan 25, 2011
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but according to the san jose news, the san jose police department created a unit to crack down, findthese guys and get them out of here. according to the article they really seem to like the station near south 1st and east santa clara which is close to a bus stop. the dealers come from out of town on the bus, hop on the trains and go around and meet with their clients. fellow passengers tell us they have suspected something's going on, they smell marijuana, see suspicious activity. they're glad to see police are doing something. the number of arrests in this area have nearly tripled in the past year. businesses tell the mercury news they like it. some say they'd like to see even more help but in a city with a $110 million deficit they probably won't be hiring more police officers. officers are trying to crack down so the rails can be reserved for the law abiding citizens who are trying to get on to their jobs. amy holyfield, abc 7 news. >> amy, thank you very much. sausalito police are planning to resume their search for a missing 90-year-old woman at daybreak. 90-year-old yin chin w
but according to the san jose news, the san jose police department created a unit to crack down, findthese guys and get them out of here. according to the article they really seem to like the station near south 1st and east santa clara which is close to a bus stop. the dealers come from out of town on the bus, hop on the trains and go around and meet with their clients. fellow passengers tell us they have suspected something's going on, they smell marijuana, see suspicious activity. they're...
Jan 25, 2011
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his wife, carson palmer's wife, san jose native. she was playing college soccer. >> i'm caught in the middle between you two sports guys. too much information. >> beautiful. >> we're back in a moment. [ wheezing breaths ] [ woman ] the first time i smoked, i was 13. i was in a hurry to grow up and wanted to look cool. big tobacco knew it, and they preyed on me. i'm here to tell you that big tobacco hasn't changed. they continue to profit... by selling kids the same lies... to get them to use... the same deadly products. don't be big tobacco's next victim. >>> coming up at 11:00, fare hikes, no fast track necessary. the rules of the road not the same for every california driver. tonight what we uncovered that had state workers getting a free ride on bay area toll roads all at taxpayers expense. how much does it cost california and what some are proposing to stop the toll dodgers. >> plenty of cricket clubs inspect bay area but south central l.a. and the city of compt compton, a cricket club? they are called homeys. they don't hang ou
his wife, carson palmer's wife, san jose native. she was playing college soccer. >> i'm caught in the middle between you two sports guys. too much information. >> beautiful. >> we're back in a moment. [ wheezing breaths ] [ woman ] the first time i smoked, i was 13. i was in a hurry to grow up and wanted to look cool. big tobacco knew it, and they preyed on me. i'm here to tell you that big tobacco hasn't changed. they continue to profit... by selling kids the same lies... to...
Jan 25, 2011
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live in san jose, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu news. >>> quick action by two san jose police officers resulted in an arrest. we've learned that two officers were near by when they heard the call about the shooting of hugo gutierrez. the officers quickly went to the spot they knew was a gang hang out. witnesses then identified the 17-year-old as the shooter. they found a gun discarded near that school. >>> more details now, we asked police in the bay area's three largest cities tonight to provide us with homicide totals so far this year. here's what we learned. san jose police tell us they've had nine homicides, san francisco has had eight, and oakland is at 11. >>> tonight police in concord are investigating a report of a group of teens attacking a disabled man. a half dozen teenage boys surrounded the 23-year-old man and threw stones at him. family members heard him scream about 6:00 and found him outside on the ground of his apartment. the boys road out on bicycles as the family came out. family members are stunned and says the victim is a loving person. >> he always helps me with my car, an
live in san jose, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu news. >>> quick action by two san jose police officers resulted in an arrest. we've learned that two officers were near by when they heard the call about the shooting of hugo gutierrez. the officers quickly went to the spot they knew was a gang hang out. witnesses then identified the 17-year-old as the shooter. they found a gun discarded near that school. >>> more details now, we asked police in the bay area's three largest cities tonight...
Jan 25, 2011
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live in san jose, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu news. >>> quick action by two san jose police officers resulted in an arrest. we've learned that two officers were near by when they heard the call about the shooting of hugo gutierrez. the officers quickly went to the spot they knew was a gang hang out. witnesses then identified the 17-year-old as the shooter. they found a gun discarded near that school. >>> more details now, we asked police in the bay area's three largest cities tonight to provide us with homicide totals so far this year. here's what we learned. san jose police tell us they've had nine homicides, san francisco has had eight, and oakland is at 11. >>> tonight police in concord are investigating a report of a group of teens attacking a disabled man. a half dozen teenage boys surrounded the 23-year-old man and threw stones at him. family members heard him scream about 6:00 and found him outside on the ground of his apartment. the boys road out on bicycles as the family came out. family members are stunned and says the victim is a loving person. >> he always helps me with my car, an
live in san jose, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu news. >>> quick action by two san jose police officers resulted in an arrest. we've learned that two officers were near by when they heard the call about the shooting of hugo gutierrez. the officers quickly went to the spot they knew was a gang hang out. witnesses then identified the 17-year-old as the shooter. they found a gun discarded near that school. >>> more details now, we asked police in the bay area's three largest cities tonight...
Jan 17, 2011
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bass is one of the finalists for the san jose job the other, chris moore acting san jose police chief since davis stepped down two months ago. bass has been the police chief in oakland just over a year. >>> san jose police may never know fit was planned or coincidence that two men met at a restaurant saturday night. both had ties to a missing woman. jeanine harms from los gatoses vanished more than 9 years ago she was last seen in 2001 with maurice he was accused by never tried for the killing saturday night he was killed when harms brother, wayne sanchez confronted him at a san jose restaurant. >> we treat the handgun and fatally shot the victim the suspect exited went out into the parking lot and as the officers arrived to the scene they heard what they believe was a single gunshot. >> harms brother apparently took his own life after killing him police are trying to determine whether sanchez planned the shooting or a coincidental meeting. >> remarkable recovery for arizona congress woman gabriel giffords, she is no longer in critical condition and now breathing on her own. her medic
bass is one of the finalists for the san jose job the other, chris moore acting san jose police chief since davis stepped down two months ago. bass has been the police chief in oakland just over a year. >>> san jose police may never know fit was planned or coincidence that two men met at a restaurant saturday night. both had ties to a missing woman. jeanine harms from los gatoses vanished more than 9 years ago she was last seen in 2001 with maurice he was accused by never tried for the...
Jan 26, 2011
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the police department from san jose, san jose pd, as well as the sheriff's department arrived almost simultaneously as far as we can tell. they encountered a man with a weapon, we are told. the reporting party said the man had a weapon of some sort. they are not saying what it was. so the sheriff's office deputies and the police arrived simultaneously. and shots ring out. several shots we're told. the man was shot dead at the scene. right now, police and the sheriff are trying to determine who or what agency, what officers, actually did the firing and hot person they shot and killed was. so very difficult situation right now. we're talking about two different things here, a remote location and a confusing call with very scant details in terms of what the deputies and police officers knew when they arrived. this area is buzzing with police as well as media, helicopters, neighbors up here. it's a very complete area up way up in the east foothills with a, you know, very large commanding view of the santa clara valley so very remote area for this type of situation to go on. >> len, just
the police department from san jose, san jose pd, as well as the sheriff's department arrived almost simultaneously as far as we can tell. they encountered a man with a weapon, we are told. the reporting party said the man had a weapon of some sort. they are not saying what it was. so the sheriff's office deputies and the police arrived simultaneously. and shots ring out. several shots we're told. the man was shot dead at the scene. right now, police and the sheriff are trying to determine who...
Jan 25, 2011
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the san jose police department. that's made a big deal in oakland about curbing gang violence and stopping the retaliatory shootings that take place after the first shooting. this meeting will be once again open to the whole community and starts in just about half an hour. in san jose, jonathan blum. >> oakland hopes of new program will curb violence in the east bay city and others. accounting and committee members to help secure a two-hundred 50to under0 in grants. selected by the pet to refresh project to compete nationally for that brand. the program aims to combat violence in these days for the arts. to receive the grant though, they must accumulate at least 2000 on light votes per day until the end of the month. the watch continues at half moon bay as servers stand by for the mavericks are contests. the waves are not quite ready for the competition yet but, they are dangerously high. over the weekend a surfer was seriously injured as he challenged the waves at the location which is just on highway 1 01. he's li
the san jose police department. that's made a big deal in oakland about curbing gang violence and stopping the retaliatory shootings that take place after the first shooting. this meeting will be once again open to the whole community and starts in just about half an hour. in san jose, jonathan blum. >> oakland hopes of new program will curb violence in the east bay city and others. accounting and committee members to help secure a two-hundred 50to under0 in grants. selected by the pet to...
Jan 29, 2011
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>josé: muchísimas gracias nos vamos a la breve pausa. morir. >> lo que no acaba. ¿por qué a susana la gobernadora >josé: indignación en guatemala por un crimen captado en una cámara escondida. miren el ayudante del chofer saca un arma es la señal para que sus cómplices empiecen a robar a los pasajeros y los hacen descender a todos y menos a una jovencita, el chofer también involucrado recibe su parte del botín y se va al día siguiente es encontrado el cuerpo de la jovencita violada y con un disparo en la cabeza >> pasamos a méxico con un niño de 15 años que declaró que era pistolero del narcotráfico y dijo que había trabajado para otro niño sicario. raúl torres con los detalles. >periodista: solamente 15 años es su sed su edad y fue sicario >> antes de matarla. según eric. presunto líder de los sox rsica secuestró a su hermana para obligarlo a cometer crímenes. >> lo ha sido la narco moda. estas playeras que utilizan narcotraficantes se venden como pan caliente. >> tenemos la playera de la barbie. se los llama playeras y se volvieron pop
>josé: muchísimas gracias nos vamos a la breve pausa. morir. >> lo que no acaba. ¿por qué a susana la gobernadora >josé: indignación en guatemala por un crimen captado en una cámara escondida. miren el ayudante del chofer saca un arma es la señal para que sus cómplices empiecen a robar a los pasajeros y los hacen descender a todos y menos a una jovencita, el chofer también involucrado recibe su parte del botín y se va al día siguiente es encontrado el cuerpo de la...
Jan 19, 2011
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this mans mother lives in san jose. he has a lot of family in this area. 27-year-old jose esteban rodriguez is accused of kidnapping juliani cardenas. he is about 5'9", 180 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. four-year-old juliani has not been seen since yesterday. he ripped the boy from his grandmothers grip. juliani is 3'6" with black hair and brown eyes weighing 40 pounds. rodriguez is the exboyfriend of the boys biological mother. we have been in constant contact with tabitha. she is currently eight months pregnant with rodriguezs child. >> he has never been like this in the past. he's been really good with juliani. you know. this is really out of the ordinary for him. >> reporter: now rodriguez was last seen driving a silver toyota corolla with california license plate number 6hbw445 with oversized all black tires. he's the di ting wishing item the -- here's distinguishing item the black tires. we will bring you more throughout the morning. reporting live from san jose jade hernandez. >>> a deadly officer involv
this mans mother lives in san jose. he has a lot of family in this area. 27-year-old jose esteban rodriguez is accused of kidnapping juliani cardenas. he is about 5'9", 180 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. four-year-old juliani has not been seen since yesterday. he ripped the boy from his grandmothers grip. juliani is 3'6" with black hair and brown eyes weighing 40 pounds. rodriguez is the exboyfriend of the boys biological mother. we have been in constant contact with tabitha....
Jan 25, 2011
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josé jo >josé: josé muchísimas gracias.gico para los departamentos del país.8 mueran heridas. dos agentes murieron por disparos de un sospechoso un policía federal marshall resultó herido y el sospechoso murió. en detroit 4 ajos fuergentes fuer s heridos. otros dos policías resultaron heridos en el estado de washington en un intercambio de fuego de 2 sospechosos que murieron en el tiroteo. >> miles de personas llenaron un estado en miami para honrar illinois que deje a un lado la decisión judiciales que no le permite ir a la elección hasta que decidan el caso. hay que ver por ahora no puede postularse. >josé: sin derecho a fianza en nueva york, la mujer acusada de haber robado una bebita en 1987. la secuestrada carolina white de 23 años. se reunió la pasada a los padres biológicos a lo que ella mismo kencontró. debido a las páginas gubernamentales y la red. por quinta vez en un mes el noreste del país soporta unas temperaturas súper frías. las más bajas en varios años. ha dejado al menos 2 personas muertos además de causar
josé jo >josé: josé muchísimas gracias.gico para los departamentos del país.8 mueran heridas. dos agentes murieron por disparos de un sospechoso un policía federal marshall resultó herido y el sospechoso murió. en detroit 4 ajos fuergentes fuer s heridos. otros dos policías resultaron heridos en el estado de washington en un intercambio de fuego de 2 sospechosos que murieron en el tiroteo. >> miles de personas llenaron un estado en miami para honrar illinois que deje a un lado...
Jan 25, 2011
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easy ride of south san jose.. >> darya: thank you, president barack obama delivers the state of the union address tonight. he's expected to >> on all wide variety of topic talk about a wide variety of topics sandra enduro has more. >> with the focus on the future president barack obama will deliver his second state of the union address. a nation ready for economic growth. >> you will hear him talk about the economy, the challenges that we face. both in the short term in terms of doing what ever we tend to create jobs. >> besides the economy a source says the president will look ahead at how we match up against global competition. >> looking forward to the president and his remarks that could go about trying to correct its spending. we can reform the way washington works so we don't see runaway government spending. >> there will be republican response, that he party favorite michelle will give a another response on their website. despite the partisan there will be a symbolic show of unity in the wake of the arizon
easy ride of south san jose.. >> darya: thank you, president barack obama delivers the state of the union address tonight. he's expected to >> on all wide variety of topic talk about a wide variety of topics sandra enduro has more. >> with the focus on the future president barack obama will deliver his second state of the union address. a nation ready for economic growth. >> you will hear him talk about the economy, the challenges that we face. both in the short term in...
Jan 27, 2011
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busy area of san jose. san jose fire department also on the scene. and that's a good area to stay away from. 6:32. let's go back to the desk. >>> we're obviously following that. good morning. welcome back. >> good morning. thank you for joining us. it is thursday january 27th. i'm pam cook. >> and i'm dave clark. it is now 6:31. new information this morning about what was going on in the life of the missing english teacher debbie schmitt. let's go to claudine wong who spoke with a member of the family with details. >> reporter: good morning, dave. i just called debbie schmitt again within the past several minutes. i wanted to talk to her about the last e-mail she got from debbie the day debbie disappeared. that e-mail came across 2:25 our time. her cousin lives on the east coast. that e-mail said and i quote "still at home, i'll give you a call, love debbie." that was a couple hours before she disappeared. her cousin telling me this morning her heart is just so confused. and really a lot of people are confused at this point trying to figure out what
busy area of san jose. san jose fire department also on the scene. and that's a good area to stay away from. 6:32. let's go back to the desk. >>> we're obviously following that. good morning. welcome back. >> good morning. thank you for joining us. it is thursday january 27th. i'm pam cook. >> and i'm dave clark. it is now 6:31. new information this morning about what was going on in the life of the missing english teacher debbie schmitt. let's go to claudine wong who spoke...
Jan 23, 2011
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san jose, 72 degrees. look at santa rosa, up to 74 at this hour tonight heading into tomorrow's big weather story. we're tracking very gusty winds in the hilltops around the bay area tonight, getting clos to a m means m for your sunday forecast when we come right back. >>> on different sides of the street, and different sides of the issue, thousands took to the streets in san francisco for pro-life and pro-choice protests. it drew thousands of marchers, marking the 38th anniversary of roe v. wade. organizers say their mission was to ed indicate the public about abortion and alternative trues to pro-choice activists. both sides protested peacefully. >>> the beginning of what could be a bitter battle for thousands of bay area dog owners. the new proposal to tighten leash laws. if you live in san francisco, san mateo or marin county, it's specific to you. it's all about park preservation. right now golden gate national recreation area, dogs can run free in open spaces. but that might change. park leaders want
san jose, 72 degrees. look at santa rosa, up to 74 at this hour tonight heading into tomorrow's big weather story. we're tracking very gusty winds in the hilltops around the bay area tonight, getting clos to a m means m for your sunday forecast when we come right back. >>> on different sides of the street, and different sides of the issue, thousands took to the streets in san francisco for pro-life and pro-choice protests. it drew thousands of marchers, marking the 38th anniversary of...
Jan 18, 2011
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cu ---y esta tarde el vocero de la policia de san jose, el oficial jose garcia....os explicaba que la nueva politica de no decomisar los vehiculos a quienes manejan sin licencia, que se establecio en la ciudad este 13 de enero por parte de su departamento, no es una politica que deben respetar obligatoriame nte las diferentes agencias como la patrulla de caminos o los alguaciles del condado de santa clara.... ---agrego que es muy importante que para que no le quiten el carro ...no tenga pendientes con la ley. ---y que no olvidemos que conducir sin licencia sigue siendo ilegal. cu ---muy bien: sabemos que muchas personas han pasado por esos momentos dificiles, en los que la policia los para ... y se lleva el carro al comprobar que no tienen licencia. ---a usted ya le ha pasado? comparta con nosotros su experiencia, esta noche .... ---- llameme al 1 - 866 - 229 - 4848 ... o escribame a noticiero 48 @telemundo.c om, podra opinar en minutos .... tenga paciencia y llame !!!!! cu ---antes de ir a la pausa, quiero preguntarle .... take vo --- ya escuch lo que dijo robert d
cu ---y esta tarde el vocero de la policia de san jose, el oficial jose garcia....os explicaba que la nueva politica de no decomisar los vehiculos a quienes manejan sin licencia, que se establecio en la ciudad este 13 de enero por parte de su departamento, no es una politica que deben respetar obligatoriame nte las diferentes agencias como la patrulla de caminos o los alguaciles del condado de santa clara.... ---agrego que es muy importante que para que no le quiten el carro ...no tenga...
Jan 20, 2011
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why so many incidents in san jose. >> might be the fact it is silicon valley.obody really knows for sure. what we know for sure it is a hazard. it is something people should not do. never point a laser pointer at a sky, at a person, at an airplane. never. >> reporter: but they are not just pointing them at airplanes. santa clara county sheriff deputies say people often shine them at their helicopters during night patrols. this is one of the confiscated devices. four lasers taped together for maximum effect. the sergeant was in the cockpit when it happened. >> the initial point of the laser is very small but when it gets to be four to five miles away the size of the actual beam is quite larger and basically what happens is the aircraft, fuselage, the windshields are curved so when it hits the windshield it acts like a prim and eliminates the entire cockpit and can temporarily blind or cause permit damage to the eyes. >> reporter: they are taking this very seriously. it is a federal offense to point a laser at a jet. in san jose, len ramirez, cbs5. >>> well, pret
why so many incidents in san jose. >> might be the fact it is silicon valley.obody really knows for sure. what we know for sure it is a hazard. it is something people should not do. never point a laser pointer at a sky, at a person, at an airplane. never. >> reporter: but they are not just pointing them at airplanes. santa clara county sheriff deputies say people often shine them at their helicopters during night patrols. this is one of the confiscated devices. four lasers taped...
Jan 23, 2011
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maybe as warm as 70 around san jose and gilroy. the jet stream way off to the north toward the pacific northwest. as long as that storm track stays out of here, we'll be staying very dry, unusually dry for this time of the year probably into the start of february. so tonight, we'll see some breezy conditions in the hilltops. probably 50s in the hilltops around the east bay. 40s and 30s elsewhere. as you head lower toward sea level, the cooler temperatures in the 30s to low 40s. high temperatures tomorrow, still near 70 degrees in santa cruz. probably not near 72 like we saw today. san francisco near 62 degrees. out towards the east bay, a little bit of cooling tomorrow. concord, fairfield, highs in the low 60s for tomorrow. north bay, 70 in lake port. and about 68 degrees in santa rosa. a look at your seven-day forecast. we'll cool off a little bit through your seven-day forecast as the fog gets a little more thick. you'll probably see a little more of that over the next few mornings. that may slow down your morning commute. that t
maybe as warm as 70 around san jose and gilroy. the jet stream way off to the north toward the pacific northwest. as long as that storm track stays out of here, we'll be staying very dry, unusually dry for this time of the year probably into the start of february. so tonight, we'll see some breezy conditions in the hilltops. probably 50s in the hilltops around the east bay. 40s and 30s elsewhere. as you head lower toward sea level, the cooler temperatures in the 30s to low 40s. high...
Jan 12, 2011
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only san jose doesn't. although i wouldn't be surprised if around there there are more breaks in the clouds. fremont's 47. redwood city 47. a lot of mid-40s to even upper 40s. san francisco which was in the icebox there for a couple days currently 47 degrees. the coolest reading twin peaks, cole valley about three or four readings 35 degrees. the warmest, mission bay, already 50 degrees. you couldn't buy a 50-degree temperature between january 5th and january 10th. now temperatures are very close to that. a cloudy morning. sun, clouds, mild. yes, sun for some. if you can get through the cloud cover, temperature wills go up to near 60 degrees. mostly cloudy tomorrow. rain to the north. that may be it for a while. five to ten day outlook very quiet for the west coast. valley fog is likely but maybe upper 60s to near 70 on the coast as we head towards next week. very cold, unbelievablely cold system diving into the great lakes and northeast next week while the west coast, us, stays very mild and dry. 45 santa
only san jose doesn't. although i wouldn't be surprised if around there there are more breaks in the clouds. fremont's 47. redwood city 47. a lot of mid-40s to even upper 40s. san francisco which was in the icebox there for a couple days currently 47 degrees. the coolest reading twin peaks, cole valley about three or four readings 35 degrees. the warmest, mission bay, already 50 degrees. you couldn't buy a 50-degree temperature between january 5th and january 10th. now temperatures are very...
Jan 26, 2011
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san jose usually stands at 68 or i should say the record for san jose is 68. forecasted high today is 69 degrees. yesterday, in mountain view, a record was set at moffett field at 70 degrees. besting a record setback in 1988. looks like we'll beat those records yet again today. i'll have a full look at who else might beat records coming up in your pinpoint forecast. for now, here's gianna with a look at the roads. >> reporter: thank you, robert. and yes, this pesky fog is doing a number on the roads this morning. limited visibility for solano county and parts of the contra costa county. so eastshore freeway, highway 4, possibly 680. all those may be affected as a result. we're also seeing dense fog across some of our bay area bridges. they dish u a fog advise -- did issue a fog advisory for the carquinez bridge. limited visibility for the antioch bridge and the benicia bridge especially. bay bridge, metering lights are on and we are seeing the backup building here at least to the first overpass at this point and a couple of extra minutes on your eastshore free
san jose usually stands at 68 or i should say the record for san jose is 68. forecasted high today is 69 degrees. yesterday, in mountain view, a record was set at moffett field at 70 degrees. besting a record setback in 1988. looks like we'll beat those records yet again today. i'll have a full look at who else might beat records coming up in your pinpoint forecast. for now, here's gianna with a look at the roads. >> reporter: thank you, robert. and yes, this pesky fog is doing a number...
Jan 19, 2011
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>> yeah, they could be headed to san jose. the amber alert signs are still on so the boy is still missing. no sign of him yet but the signs should get a lot of exposure in the next few hours with the morning commute coming on. detectives hope someone will see their car or the boy or abductor and call the police. here's a good shot of the little boy, four-year-old julianna abducted in patterson south of tracy late yesterday afternoon. the suspect is the mother's ex-boyfriend. he's identified as 27-year-old josÉ he is van rodriguez. he has a criminal history, involuntary manslaughter and having sex with a minor. the grandmother is pleading for the public's help. >> please, everyone, bring my grandson back. >> the suspect's car is described as a silver or beige toyota corolla with a california license plate number of 68 bw 445. detectives looked at surveillance tape overnight and they were able to get a better description of the car. they determined that the windows are all tinted and they spotted a spare tire on the car. they do
>> yeah, they could be headed to san jose. the amber alert signs are still on so the boy is still missing. no sign of him yet but the signs should get a lot of exposure in the next few hours with the morning commute coming on. detectives hope someone will see their car or the boy or abductor and call the police. here's a good shot of the little boy, four-year-old julianna abducted in patterson south of tracy late yesterday afternoon. the suspect is the mother's ex-boyfriend. he's...
Jan 17, 2011
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the way it looks in san jose.we look at all the fog that is hanging out in the city there, and that's one of the reasons why they're having such problems. visibility there just as poor as they are just about anywhere else. somewhere we're they're not having fog. my goodness! look how beautiful in heavenly and lake tahoe today. those folks enjoying watching us from there, get out on the slopes. enjoy that. that's great. looks fantastic. wear the sunscreen, especially up in the mountains. let's take a look at the clouds still hangin' around the bay through the communities into the east bay valleys and even some hanging out around the coast. that is starting to be pushed away. that's why half moon bay is 59. upper 40s to near 50 around the bay with upper 40s inland. so if we can just get rid of this fog, this is what would happen. look at low to mid-60s santa cruz, watsonville, salinas. 67 monterey bay but gilroy just getting out of the fog and 55. so a warm day awaits us. it will probably be tempered by the hazy sun
the way it looks in san jose.we look at all the fog that is hanging out in the city there, and that's one of the reasons why they're having such problems. visibility there just as poor as they are just about anywhere else. somewhere we're they're not having fog. my goodness! look how beautiful in heavenly and lake tahoe today. those folks enjoying watching us from there, get out on the slopes. enjoy that. that's great. looks fantastic. wear the sunscreen, especially up in the mountains. let's...
Jan 28, 2011
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back down to san jose, plenty of challenges for chris moore. church leaders in san jose have expressed concerns over the pd's relations with the cities asian and hispanic populations. moore is coming from the inside of that department. he is caucasian, a 29-year veteran and attorney, said to be well respected by the rank- and-file. but the coalition for justice and accountability, that is kind of grouping of the naacp and several asian and hispanic groups, they are holding a rally today asking the san jose city council not to ratify the city manager's choice. they are apparently not interested in acting chief chris moore. we'll hear from them at 1 p.m. back to you. >> thank you, anne makovec in oakland. >>> police chief anthony batts and oakland mayor jean quan are pledging to fix the city's police radio system. it went down during a high- speed chase and officer- involved shooting wednesday. quan said she wasn't aware of problems with the radio system until then. officers and dispatchers weren't able to communicate with each other for about fi
back down to san jose, plenty of challenges for chris moore. church leaders in san jose have expressed concerns over the pd's relations with the cities asian and hispanic populations. moore is coming from the inside of that department. he is caucasian, a 29-year veteran and attorney, said to be well respected by the rank- and-file. but the coalition for justice and accountability, that is kind of grouping of the naacp and several asian and hispanic groups, they are holding a rally today asking...
Jan 8, 2011
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south san jose. it's good to jacqueline bennett was a closer look at where happen and the aftershocks. >> the technology on storm tracker 4-was where the earthquake occurs in all the information he could see the epicenter of the earthquake and there's quite a few. they're three of on their very close to each other. 0.1 mi. apart. the original quake was 4.1 magnitude it struck at 4:10 p.m.. to aftershocks at 2.6 @ 4:13 p.m. and a 2.1 up 4:21 p.m.. about 10 mi. southeast of san jose all three, cementing get close and see how close it is from evergreen. with a caller from evergreen calling to tell us about that quick. the only other quick in the bay area today was a small one at two. near petaluma. you could see this and as a great much more extensive than the 1 up to the north. >> thank you jacqueline, here with his nose kate thompson is also been looking at some transportation issues because any time there's a quick the public transportation as we check. >> this meeting time, friday what we have heard
south san jose. it's good to jacqueline bennett was a closer look at where happen and the aftershocks. >> the technology on storm tracker 4-was where the earthquake occurs in all the information he could see the epicenter of the earthquake and there's quite a few. they're three of on their very close to each other. 0.1 mi. apart. the original quake was 4.1 magnitude it struck at 4:10 p.m.. to aftershocks at 2.6 @ 4:13 p.m. and a 2.1 up 4:21 p.m.. about 10 mi. southeast of san jose all...
Jan 19, 2011
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authorities say that juliani cardenas was abducted by jose esteban rodriguez. the silver toyota corolla with a california license plate of 6hbw445. the vehicle has oversize aluminum wheels. rodriguez is the boys mother's ex-boyfriend but is not the boys father. we outside route to a purity odr. >> this is one of the many state science appeared silver toyota corolla. investigators say the four year-old boy and his captor, might be in route to san jose from patterson. authorities are expanding the search all over the state. we're not sure why specifically the bay area. let me show you some video. this is giuliani the four year-old, according to authorities this is the ex-boyfriend of the mother. not the biological father. he has a manslaughter conviction. he should be considered dangerous. if you see the car to not confront these people call authorities. last seen wearing dark pants and a light blue shirt. the boy 3 ft. 6 in. tall, black hair brown eyes. rodriguez 27 hispanic man 5 slot 9, 180 lbs., last seen wearing a white shirt. sorry a black-and- white shirt.
authorities say that juliani cardenas was abducted by jose esteban rodriguez. the silver toyota corolla with a california license plate of 6hbw445. the vehicle has oversize aluminum wheels. rodriguez is the boys mother's ex-boyfriend but is not the boys father. we outside route to a purity odr. >> this is one of the many state science appeared silver toyota corolla. investigators say the four year-old boy and his captor, might be in route to san jose from patterson. authorities are...
Jan 17, 2011
eye 299
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the way it looks in san jose.ook at all the fog that is hanging out in the city there, and that's one of the reasons why they're having such problems. visibility there just as poor as they are just about anywhere else. somewhere we're they're not having fog. my goodness! look how beautiful in heavenly and lake tahoe today. those folks enjoying watching us from there, get out on the slopes. enjoy that. that's great. looks fantastic. wear the sunscreen, especially up in the mountains. let's take a look at the clouds still hangin' around the bay through the communities into the east bay valleys and even some hanging out around the coast. that is starting to be pushed away. that's why half moon bay is 59. upper 40s to near 50 around the bay with upper 40s inland. so if we can just get rid of this fog, this is what would happen. look at low to mid-60s santa cruz, watsonville, salinas. 67 monterey bay but gilroy just getting out of the fog and 55. so a warm day awaits us. it will probably be tempered by the hazy sunshin
the way it looks in san jose.ook at all the fog that is hanging out in the city there, and that's one of the reasons why they're having such problems. visibility there just as poor as they are just about anywhere else. somewhere we're they're not having fog. my goodness! look how beautiful in heavenly and lake tahoe today. those folks enjoying watching us from there, get out on the slopes. enjoy that. that's great. looks fantastic. wear the sunscreen, especially up in the mountains. let's take...
Jan 28, 2011
eye 272
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getting back to the san jose side of the story. acting police chief chris moore will be promoted, pending approval from the city council next tuesday. conducting the search is san jose city manager debra figone. so, chris moore now, the 26-year-old veteran -- excuse me the 26-year veteran of the police department expected to be approved next week and immediately he face a tough road ahead. growing crime and mistrust in the growing community. >> 1,000 people packed our guadalupe church tonight demanded to be asked heard by c leaders. nbc bay area's george kiriyama joins us live from east san jose. tonight a church meeting but a funeral there this weekend as well. >> yeah, especially that's tomorrow a funeral of a boy who was is not front of a restaurant. the second community meeting this week in east san jose. and neighbors are really concerned about the rise of violence and all of the homicides in the area so tonight they the attention of three big city leaders and including mayor chuck reed. >> reporter: flashing lights and crime
getting back to the san jose side of the story. acting police chief chris moore will be promoted, pending approval from the city council next tuesday. conducting the search is san jose city manager debra figone. so, chris moore now, the 26-year-old veteran -- excuse me the 26-year veteran of the police department expected to be approved next week and immediately he face a tough road ahead. growing crime and mistrust in the growing community. >> 1,000 people packed our guadalupe church...
Jan 26, 2011
eye 189
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tell jose they want to come home.aybe in opens jose's heart he has a good hard he just needs to open it. open net for juliani cardenas if you love him so much. and send him home with somebody. >> test but that is part and with jose rodriguez daughter. alive report coming up in our 1030 alan. >> fall in wall street's dow jones broke out that 10,000 mark for the first time into a half years. it happened at the 7:00 hour. it's been bouncing around the mark ever since. joining us now is steve. what do we make of this? is this a sign the recovery is getting traction? >> i think it continues to get traction, will host of numbers improved. suns the job market is getting better. and the real estate is getting better. two things that had been lagging. we are starting to see improvement. there was data note today new home purchases was better than expected. we continue to have a very comfortable federal reserve helping things move. >> with the stated the union speech and republicans in control of the house. politicians on both
tell jose they want to come home.aybe in opens jose's heart he has a good hard he just needs to open it. open net for juliani cardenas if you love him so much. and send him home with somebody. >> test but that is part and with jose rodriguez daughter. alive report coming up in our 1030 alan. >> fall in wall street's dow jones broke out that 10,000 mark for the first time into a half years. it happened at the 7:00 hour. it's been bouncing around the mark ever since. joining us now is...
Jan 21, 2011
eye 153
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jose estaban rodriguez is name is. the grandmother said he forcefully took little juliani cardenas from for arms and drove off on tuesday night. just now they should be starting the search they said 7:00 a.m. this morning. they would beat your patterson searching again this canal. they got a report of a car matching the description of the car they were looking for driving into the canal. they're supposed to be using sonar equipment today in their search. >> the location where the water goes close the pipes underground goes to hundred feet underground comes back up on this side of the bridge there. the that was an area that are divers are on able to get to because of safety concerns and currents in the water. it's too dangerous to send divers into that section, were going to be using equipment. >> a tire track found above the canal are also being analyzed to see if they match the toyota corolla that they were looking for. here's the description, you will still see the ever alert sign up today searching for the 2003 silv
jose estaban rodriguez is name is. the grandmother said he forcefully took little juliani cardenas from for arms and drove off on tuesday night. just now they should be starting the search they said 7:00 a.m. this morning. they would beat your patterson searching again this canal. they got a report of a car matching the description of the car they were looking for driving into the canal. they're supposed to be using sonar equipment today in their search. >> the location where the water...
Jan 17, 2011
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could san jose be host iing san francisco's top cop?the foggy toll bridge plaza this morning on this martin luther king jr. day, january 17. this is "today in the bay." >>> good morning. thank you for joining us. it is 5:30. i'm marla tellez in for brent. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. let's go to christina to check on the forecast. >>> it is a foggy start basically anywhere you wake up. south bay, north bay, east bay, we are socked in this morning. and we are measuring fog in feet. we are not even measuring it in miles in places like san mateo. you really want to take it easy out there. if you don't have to go to work or have anywhere to be this morning, postpone your travels until say 10:00 or maybe 11:00 when we expect most of the fog to clear out of the area. we are starting out relatively mild. 50 degrees in san jose. turning over to the 60s. a lot of sunshine is expected for the second half of the day. we'll let you know just how warm it is expected to be for the rest of the week coming up. i think you will like it, ladies. back to y
could san jose be host iing san francisco's top cop?the foggy toll bridge plaza this morning on this martin luther king jr. day, january 17. this is "today in the bay." >>> good morning. thank you for joining us. it is 5:30. i'm marla tellez in for brent. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. let's go to christina to check on the forecast. >>> it is a foggy start basically anywhere you wake up. south bay, north bay, east bay, we are socked in this morning. and we are...
Jan 15, 2011
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nice sunrise around san jose. in the north and east bay valleys, we have temperatures in the low 40s. we do have patchy fog out there this morning, which will lead to temperatures this afternoon running cooler. let's say the rest of the bay area. san jose southward, it is going to be a mild day today. there, you see visibility in miles down to a quarter mile or less in parts of the north and east bay valley, especially for napa and solano county. fog will slow you down around the north and east bay valleys. for the rest of bait, as early as noon, we will see tches climbing xloes to 60 degrees. the wide pattern change we are seeing across the west coast is a large ridge of high pressure starting to build in to our west. you can see here the clouds arching off towards oregon state. it is going to miss us. this is what we sometimes refer to as a mid-winter dry spell. the calendar says january. when you get a ridge of high pressure this strong, it acts like a wall that's going to take all the incoming moisture and ste
nice sunrise around san jose. in the north and east bay valleys, we have temperatures in the low 40s. we do have patchy fog out there this morning, which will lead to temperatures this afternoon running cooler. let's say the rest of the bay area. san jose southward, it is going to be a mild day today. there, you see visibility in miles down to a quarter mile or less in parts of the north and east bay valley, especially for napa and solano county. fog will slow you down around the north and east...