ira jersey, noelle corum and jose rasco. that does it for me.ll see you next friday at 1:00 p.m. new york time this is "bloomberg real yield." this is bloomberg tv. ♪ ♪ you build a machine that played tic-tac-toe as a teenager growing up in huntington, new york. later, he made his way out west, becoming a faculty member at stanford university in 1977. four years after that, he brought together researchers develop a -- to develop a new technology known as risk. today, john hennessy sits on the alphabet,irectors of after serving as the president of sanford for 16 years. some of silicon valley's best and brightest were educated under his watch, including google cofounders larry page and survey brand. joining me today on bloomberg studio 1.0, former stanford president, google chair, and knights of the scholars chair, john hennessy. i want to take you all the way back to huntington, new york, where you grew up, and ask you, who was your first leadership mentor? school mathhigh teacher who happens to be intercell in non--- an ursuline nun. she said to