he's the pred ecessor to jose cisneros. it's extraordinary to think that in his day, this part of town had not yet burned down three times to the ground t.had not experienced the 1906 earthquake and fire and each time it reemerged. that's exactly the story of san francisco again today. and by acknowledging our history, and i was thinking this morning, that the boogie man in the old days was the expansion of the height and bulk and mass of downtown into the human scaled neighborhoods of jackson square and china town. and today, the imperative is to take the vitality and the night life that are happening in these communities and bring them southward again. i think we can do that. there is a lot of opportunity in the crisis. and i remember in the early days of pandemic, as we were just start to go think about shared spaces, tony marcel and waivers tavern wanted close this street. we had no rules in those days and we just closed it. and robby grabbed on to that and this is what became of it. to dan kinsly and ace, you aced this