side of jose marti, by the way. if you think you know jose marti, you don't. it was amazing. >> and this is how i get into the art of political murder. i ew that divine husband had to open in a convent. and i wanted to do research inside the guatemalan church. in 1998, when bishop gerardi, the head of the guatemalan human rights office, after he presides over the publishing of an unprecedented, taboo-shattering human rights report on the war... >> hinojosa: and this is based in the church. >> the church sponsored... >> hinojosa: the church is saying, "we're going to open up this pandora's box about political violence." >> "and we're going to defy the amnesty." see, because when the guatemalan... the guatemalan army basically could dictate... the un peace accords basically dictates the terms of the peace agreement, right? and among the things that they insist on is that there's going to be an amnesty. in other words, of the 200,000 or more murdered civilians in the war, the vast majority of them killed in the 1980s..