but district attorneys can object, something jose salcedo has already experienced. court for the past year and a half to expunge my juvenile record. and each time it's always been the d.a. that objects and has specific requirements and objections. and i don't think that battle is over because i then have to face the adult courts, which is harder. >> but some in oregon have concerns about changing requirements. how do you respond to safety concerns when people say, you know, these these regulations and licensing requirements are in place because we're concerned about safety. public safety? >> i'm a mom. i have two children. i'm concerned about safety. i don't want someone with a sex offense conviction in my kid's classroom. there are certain limitations that make sense. but to have a blanket exclusion from all sorts of job opportunities and career opportunities just absolutely doesn't make sense. >> coffee creek and other prisons around oregon do offer job training in fields that are more open to people with criminal records, like production sewing, electrical work, a