now up next speaking for the resolution, josef joffe.[applause] >> i have to start by correcting my friend, niall. he is wrong about the phone number. there is a phone number. if you call the phone number, then you get a computer voice. for germany, press one. for france, press to cut. [laughter] that tells you where europe is that. but let me say something else. i think europe was a wonderful idea of. after all, zeus, the god of gods, graced his life for the mrs. when he was so smitten that he ran off with her. and the roman poet says the right hand grasps and the other upon his back. now europe was also -- several months later. when it decided to unify after the two most murderous wars in history. what a magnificent story. first, six nations get-together, and now there are 27. then blow-by-blow, a common market for goods, capital market. and finally, no more -- a euro now reigns from portugal to the borders of poland. what we come would come next? of course the united states and europe. wrong, wrong. europe is crumbling before our eyes