this was at the time when joselyn was still director. i was instructed at that time to reach out to ms. milano to obtain a calendar of events which we never received a response. i did try several times to have that provided to us, but, again, it wasn't a requirement of the permit since that was not stipulated there. so we definitely had a few quiet months there where we weren't receiving a whole lot of complaints about halcyon. then they started to ramp up again. you'll see text messages in your files and e-mails from neighbors chronicling some of those complaints. i don't feel like you need to refer to the time line. the inspector put together a time line. that's indicative of events relating to halcyon since june 20th of last year. on there, he does list about 30 complaints over the period of time since that hearing occurred. that's essentially reporting that to the commission. you've definitely heard of those complaints over the months in his reports. then what else do we have here? i did try to have ms. milano in my office to mediate