we're going to talk about a guest, wear /ae going to talk about father joseph aielle-b aielle-b -- b -- but i have a question: when was the largest /krou -- crowd gathered in san francisco history? i'll give you a hint: 500,000. 500,000. >>> that day was in 1971, at the polo field, 500,000 fields to do what? pray the rose re -- re -- rasary, catholics, and i think we just have an aerial shot of that event. >>> it's incredible. 500000 people gathered to pray the rosary and spend some time in the tradition. and we're going to talk about the rosary rally, and we're going to talk about the rosary rally in san francisco. >>> the key note speaker, and our beloved archbishop, father col -- corteleone. >>> i'm not even sure if founding is the correct word, but he is a missionary priest, and we can't wait to talk about -- with him. the emcee of the rosary rally coming up. >>> we'll be right back. eri. >> here, we have our guest, father joseph illo, and is father of the sea parish on gary boulevard, gary boulevard, not gary street. >> yeah. >> and i appreciate that. >>> father, we're going to