"amtrak president joseph h. boardman was very upbeat about the new program saying, 'so now you can have all the great service of amtrak plus a car loaded with random dogs [ laughter and applause ] up next, some college news, editorial. "sorry, malia obama." so brown university student newspaper issued an apology to malia obama after it published a photo showed the next daughter standing next to a beer pong table during her college visit. let's go to the last line of the news story. "in closing, the editorial board of the 'brown daily herald' would like to reflect on how weak-ass and ratchet it was to publish those pics. it is our firm belief that the privacy of every student is mad important. as we continue to promote campus life that is fleek as hell, sometimes when you're on that journalism grind, you make mistakes. in conclusion, swerve, swag money, and turn up. those solo cups, doe. the 'brown daily herald.'" [ laughter and applause ] it's nice of them to apologize. in science news, gene editing could make pig-to-hum