so you know, joseph burl, talking about boosting defense spending in in europe. but do you think everyone is on the same page and me to hungary, for example, hungary as being well should we say on the wrong side of washington and the wrong side of brussels? now, ever since ukraine kicked off. what do you, what are your thoughts? well, friendly with hungary is that it's the bad boy in the classroom. it makes appropriate noises. it criticizes the complains about bad rumbles about something else, but in the end hungry falls in with the e mail program. now you quoted the, the deputy parliamentary speaker who raised the very reasonable point. something was raised by a victim or by himself a couple of weeks ago that if you bring in finland into naser, you're actually extending the nato russia border by an additional 800 miles. not a great idea at the time of acute tension between nate and russia. so they made this very reasonable point, and this was the hungarians, do. they voted overwhelmingly to vote, to support accessions and nato. so that's, it is now in nature wit