'80s and unfortunately several of them died trend the course of my study, people like novelist joseph hansen and the sexologist verne below. and so i was working with some very old people who were moving in the latter days. they were thrilled with the summit took interest in the history because they were feeling largely forgotten. alice also able to help salvage their archives which are now being housed at the vernon collection of sex and gender at northridge and there is also the one inc. which was formed to trade one magazine in 1953. a part of my book, my research question was what inc. after many years of success splits in 1965 and it was an awful split. i wanted to know what happened, that was my primary research question, what happened in 1965 to cause this schism right down the middle. and the book is the result of that research. so i found that over the course of this history many of these people had some pretty significant falling out and didn't like each other a lot. if the had a some reason not to talk to each other or so they thought and as i was working with them i found that ov