narrator: one group cashing in on illicit ivory is joseph kony's lord's resistance army, or lra, which sprang to life in 1988. kony is an aggressive, messianic warlord wawanted by te international criminal court for crimes against humanity. hutson: kony leads a fierce band of a couple hundred remaining fighters who ororiginated from northern uganda, but who now predate throughout conongo and central african republicic up intoto the sudans, and they commit mass atrocities. they'll t take their machetes and d systemematically take apat a mother andnd feed her to her children. narrator: the lra killed tens of thousands, displaced almost 2 mimillion people, and abducted over 60,000 children. they turned girls into sex slaves and boys into child soldiersrs. the lra supports suc atrocities by poaching elephants and trading ivory. much of kony's ivory comes from garamba national park in the democratic republic of the congo. hutson: garamba is considered to be at the end of nowhere. it is one of the last wild habitats. narrator: the lra raids the 1,900 square mile park with impunity and trades