spanish politician has now become the newest victim to get caught by the infamous russian pranks, joseph lavonne, and lexus. during that coal may i jose, and luis martinez on may the shed his position on russian citizens and spain, claiming that they quote, should be punished with this time the pranksters pretended to be the mayor of kiya of the box. if a tale kitch co, during their exchange, my opinion on the mesa is my opinion, a measures regarding the russian citizens here in spain. i think it's necessary to punish these russians. and of course we're doing everything to that end on the national and local level. still, a lot of men are went to west instead, we're finding for you great damage. rich help us with the debarkation of ukrainian man through craig. i think it's more, i don't think it's a problem for madrid to sunny cranium. refugees back to the war in their country. i think it is necessary to provide more soldiers for the fight against russia. of course, madrid has all the means to provide the transportation to send these people back to ukraine if necessary, just the matter. it may la