so vice chief of staff joseph martha benedict, huge challenge, lizette recruiting, motivated, fit in academically proficient men. and women continues to be a challenge. only 23 percent of military age men and women. the united states are qualified to serve. and that does not even reflect propensity. the army estimates its ranks will likely be left with a shortfall of $40000.00 recruits the post coven environments. the labor market crisis are said to be partly to play, as well as other military initiatives ridiculed on social media. i'm shocked. the u. s. military went work. now we can't find recruits the army. is it only 40 percent of its recruiting numbers for the fiscal year, despite raising its maximum enlistment bonus from $40000.00 to $50000.00? military recruitment, being down tells you that not only east will culture a losing battle, but people have absolutely 0 trust in our institutions and administrative stays there. 0 faith in our leaders. they don't want to fight and potentially die for the woke the 3 main reasons. people aren't joining the military. people don't want to d