more importantly, why joseph mccoy and why this particular individual had as his legacy. we came to an overarching conclusion about this and said it all has to do with one word, connections. and a brief two decades, that this trail system was in place, just so you know, really remarkable transformation and the american grass length and this is a transformation that the trail system in many ways made possible. two individuals understood that transformation. one was james mead who was an indian trader and helped put together the cattle trade and he saw a lot and periods the law and the other fellow is john hatch a commander at fort sill. both of these individuals when this case had the destruction which actually held create because he was a free trader and he lamented that later in his life and passed he came into place across the land and replacing partisan that he longed for that holder grasslands and that prairies just some of law and animals and throughout his life he, lamented that transformation which he was a part of in the first place. and the commander was working