our guests are university of maryland professor peter morici and joseph minarik. on the james mcconville ability to secure the country. it is live every morning on c- span at 7:00 a.m. eastern. coming up on c-span tonight, republican governors discussed the future of their party. then, a strategist talks about out to the gop can reach unrepresented communities. later, president obama pardons the national turkey. >> next, from this year's republican governors association meeting, a panel on the future of the republican party. governors rick perry of texas, john kasich of ohio, and mary fallin of oklahoma lead the discussion. >> if you could come in and take your seats, we will start right away. we will talk about messaging in 2014 and what we have to do to actually have a more successful 2014 and 2016 than we had last year. i have to tell you it is so great to have governors appear that are actually getting things done in their own state -- governors up here that are actually getting things done in their own state of life, unfortunately, too many washington republi