church has brand items have a buddy knows about sense among them but about brand name since like joseph n. benedict and john the baptist. for the how did you folks to become friends say it's like death >>> earth in the case of st. joseph is fairly obvious to the foster father of jesus and the husband of the blessed virgin mary to the church will come up and the very highest regard among the saints and other saints are national st. st. patrick he is the patron of ireland and the irish of spread out to north america and populated that so his devotion has carried much further than just ireland itself. >>> about st. joseph statues be buried upside-down in your and your some in-house i sold my house with all these bad mortgages and the you should carry the right side up what about that? >>> i don't see a problem with it goes back to when i said before we have to be careful about the idea of superstition but there's nothing superstitious in itself and during c. joseph upset them provided that your home seller really calling upon the help of an assistance of st. joseph >>> also my neighbor i came home or