joseph prueher: those are a couple of information rich presentations. we are going to do some questions and answers. we will do them as long as you want until 10:00, whichever comes first. a couple of warm-up questions. i think i'm going to forgo mine and if we get a low i may squeeze them in. back there. i am from the renaissance institute in baltimore. my question is this. i would not have come today except that on npr last saturday morning they had a story on from a naval air development facility somewhere talking about how they had developed drones that are not just drones like normal drones, they send them up in batches of 24 or 32 and the drones themselves pick their own leader. i assume they pick the mission. it scared me to death. i got out of the shower and wrote on a paper towel to come here today. it was a great report. could you touch on that? is that really viable? that's aneher: information rich question. when either of you like to feel that? unmanned systems around are a big part of naval forces future. joseph prueher: i do think we are g