. >> joseph regan is serving 90 days for misdemeanor assault, criminal mischief and petty larceny. >> i've been in and out of rikers for about 20 years. maybe a little bit more than that. i was recently released december 12th and i'm back on another skid bit, as they say. 90 days, which is a small bit, a city bit. i, maxed out from something something last year and i've been all over the state, at ca, sing sing, quentin, all over the state, but i've been on island you know, a lot of times. >> i've been here going on over 20 years, in and out. first started back in 1983, and it's 2004 and i'm still coming back, in and out. i have been here for various charges though. assault charges, grand larceny charges, unauthorized use of a vehicle, stolen property, drug charges numerous times. >> antonio estrella is one of many drug addicts serving time at rikers. >> right now, we're in two main. this is the highest classification inside the facility. what brought me here was in 2003, i got into a fight with a correction officer in 11 main, and since then, my classification is at the highest it co