. >> commissioners, joseph schmitt board president of the south of market community network. it should be a simple exercise to look at how to use the public sites. in terms of the fact these are depreciated assets and host have been in the land portfolio for decades and the reason why they have been in the city's land portfolio is there were projections around the city's growth and the infrastructure needs have more around that growth. the way that we manage our infrastructure is different now that what was projected decades ago and that the biggest infrastructure need of the city right now is around affordable housing, which is what choo-choo has presented to you. using a depreciated asset in order to support affordable housing makes economic sense and also makes economic sense to use those depreciated seats to support small business and to support locally-held business because they can't afford to move into market rate developments that are being developed in county right now. so to use these public assets to create any amount of market rate housing, 50% or even less, makes