you spend some time, joseph schumpeter, to the late austrian economy as to among his many achievements, he coined the term creative destruction, the idea that market competition and an evolution in the market would weed out a lot of unproductive firms, firms that don't innovate, firms that aren't very dynamic and free up, those resources that are sort of constraining and and trapped to go to firms and to entrepreneurs who are more productive and can utilize those resources more effectively, efficiently. they are basically younger and have new ideas. right. and that this process is destroys all companies and causes economic problems and dislocate asian unemployment. but the ultimate result is more creativity, more expansion and more growth. what you write about, which i think quite eloquently, is describe how you replace, how policymakers have replaced this system of creative destruction and replace it with this system of zombie firms, at firms that are supported by the government, that don't innovate. and we see this, i think most you know, most importantly in places like japan and eur