. >> joseph smoot. i am here as the health-care provider. the work we do, i just want to remind you, makes the work of the large institutions actually successful. we prevent violence. we prevent substance abuse. we manage people's substance abuse. we also manage people's medications on a daily basis. the work we do with patients who are discharged from long-term care is essential for making sure there is successful reentry back into people's homes. the work we do is held accountable every day by you, by the city, by the department of public health, by the human services agency, the department of aging and adult services. it is part of the city's budget and accountability process. the question we have is what is the industry afraid of. being held accountable to a master plan? planning commissioners have told you earlier they needed this plan in place prior today. so why are they -- why is the health-care industry pushing an amendment to make the effective date 2013? should we be working to put this plan in place as quickly as possible? the wo