you're lucky it's not joe testify -- joseph stalin. >> could be worse, it would be barney frank. i worked on the campaign. >> the question is why don't we have real conservatism? i think this is probably changing, but i mean, the defense i give to republicans who come to washington running as conservatives and not os governing as conservatives is they don't get rewarded at the ballot box for cutting programs. i think the tea party may change that now, but when you have all of these -- [applause] i mean, the perfect key of it is arnold in california who puts these items on the ballot when he first comes in to take away some of the policies the public sector has, but every public sector in california, all their relatives and neighbors are going to vote in that election, but a lot of rest of california woke up the day after the elections and said, oh, was there an election yesterday? he lost all of his initiative, and then he started governing like a democrat, and the same thing happens in washington. you move to cut something that's utterly useless like the national endowment of th