. >> jacoby: joseph stiglitz is one of the most well-known economts in america and a winner of the nobelo you're doing a documentary on the fed and monetary policy? >> jacoby: we are trying to. >> (laughing): okay. >> jacoby: are we insane? >> no, no, no, i think it's a gridea. >> jacoby: okay. stiglitz told me that while the fed was doing some good, he also had concerns at the time. >> the main thing i was concerned about was that the way they were trying to revive the economy waa kind of trickle down economics. the way quantitative easing works is that it's a lowering of the interest rates that leads stocks to go up. and so who owns the stocks? it's the people in the top. not just the top ten percent, one percent, one-tenth of one percent. and so it increases enormously wealth inequality. we had had increasing inequality really since the late '70s and this was putting that on steroids. so the immediate objective of saving the banking system was achieved, but the broader objective, which was helping the economy recovery quickly in a robust way, in a way with shared prosperity, total fai