. >> my name is joseph tonson and i'm from haiti. i love baseball. in the morning i go to school. in the after i play baseball. this is where we live after the earthquake because our home was down. this is my father. this is my mom. she makes beautiful food for me. 11 people are in this house. this is where we get water. >> reporter: it is haiti's nightmare scenario, an outbreak of deadly disease, killing scores in a country already on its knees. authorities say the symptoms, acute diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration, are all of the hall marks of cholera. >> we're getting her an i.v., and we're going to the clinic. >> the most vivid memories are just everyone trying to find water and not wanting to drink the river water that was on the side. [yelling] [yelling] >> reporter: u.n. soldiers working furiously to contain what looks like a sewage spill at this base in haiti's rural heartland. we came here after rumours that the troops could be a cause for the cholera outbreak. the waste running into the river is a big danger, and that's exactly what we found. >> it is believed haiti has