sergeant joseph yukich: well, what we've got is a structure fire sounds like the garage is detached frome it doesn't sound life threatening the fire department is already headed over there so since we're in the area we'll take a run by and see if they need any help. ah, there it is. radio sam 9 we'll be 23 with the fire department we got smoke showing. man, do we ever. we'll just park up here and try to do a little traffic control for them. we'll go see if they need any help. whew! 298 sam 9. fire fighter: ok get your air packs open number one priority. i got a fully involved stretcher fire here. ok it's not in gear yet. you guys need anything? move the traffic for me. we'll have to do some traffic control. we got a friend working on the van. the van caught fire. right as i pulled up i saw smoke. mike came running out. i ran over with a fire extinguisher. and it was on fire enough where i couldn't get it out. ok, do you know who the friend is that owns the van? mike. he's over here. mike? mike? hey, mike. you ok? no. ok. what's your last name? my name's joe. what's your last name? ( blee