but just for our purposes here, phyllis is the author on virginia woolf, the biography of josephine baker, and as literary classic parallelize. and edmund is the author among many other books in various forms, wonderful novelist and essayist, the biography of jean genet, and beautifully brief biographies of proust and rimbaud. emily dickinson, hawthorne, and jay, when falcon, john steinbeck and robert foester i do so like to begin with phyllis. what do you see as having drawn you to these particular subjects? >> okay, i like to go back if i may a little earlier, considerably earlier to win nine in grade school even to explain my rather simple notion about what a person writes a biography. when i was in grade school, i think it must have been, i do, seventh, eighth grade, therefore i was what? nine or 10, i don't know about that. i had to write -- 5. >> i had to write what we call a book report about the biography of an admirable woman. and so i went to the library and there were only two biographies of women in the entire library, as far as i could see. one was eleanor roosevelt, and the