clean up your bunny, the house is in disrepair, they don’t itch, our only apartment is left, josephine viktorovnaming to you, i hear. “the weaklings live here, here, who are you, and i’m coming to you, i’m nina, hello, nina, well, you’re zafina viktorovna, my father talked about you, father, what kind of father, i’m his daughter, nina, well, from okhansk, he was in the spring, well, in may, what okhansk, because he was, well, yes, in akhansk.” come in, his mother lives there in obzenaida, come in, come in, there was one over there, as in in this ahansk of yours, he was alone or with a friend, but no, alone, but i thought he was talking, but i didn’t write anything to you on purpose, i thought it was a surprise, but you don’t know anything about me, but i’m nina, and you think who he paid, it was me, and i hated him, can you imagine, he’s a parasite, but no, not here, here, but i thought you had a separate apartment or two rooms there, who is that in the photo ? we will soon get a separate apartment in the photo, my dad, what else interests you? you can put a bouquet there, it will be beautiful, b